Evert Meulie (@meulie)

Sarpsborg, Norway

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @meulie, between Mar 7th, 2007 & June 12th, 2023 (this is when Elon Musk turned off the API this archive depended on ヽ༼ ಠ益ಠ ༽ノ ).

February 2010

grantimahara @donttrythis http://twitpic.com/15gp73 - Hmmm. Needs more duct tape.

via TwitPic (retweeted on 8:36 PM, Feb 26th, 2010 via <a href="http://github.com/cezarsa/chromed_bird" rel="nofollow">Chromed Bird</a>)

@bleedo the tag? You mean #nerd? I make those simply by putting a ‘#’ in front of a #word ;-)

via Chromed Bird in reply to bleedo

@boekgirl Heb je ook 2 toetsenborden? ;-)

via Chromed Bird in reply to boekgirl

@boekgirl Doe ik al jaren… Je hebt toch 2 ogen? Heb je ook 2 schermen nodig! ;-)

via Chromed Bird in reply to boekgirl

@nielssert Ik was er ook mooi op tijd. Eerste bakkie is al lang weer op, dus even #2 halen ;-)

via Chromed Bird in reply to nielssert

Damn #NRK… Running behind schedule and because of that I’m missing the 5000m for women! :-(

via Chromed Bird

Why is @altibox sending out spam/phishing links via Twitter??

via web

WTF??? Sven Kramer disqualified?? :-(

via Chromed Bird

@Makenontie Ziet er vast stukken beter uit dan mijn kaartje… :-)

via Chromed Bird in reply to Makenontie

@Naaoomieh Hier is het -15C and sneeuwt het weer, dus je moet niet klagen! :-P

via Chromed Bird in reply to Naaoomieh

@MingNa Is Oktoberfest an Olympic sport yet? ;-)

via Chromed Bird in reply to MingNa

@tinaimahara How can you be sure you don’t sneeze while you’re asleep? ;-)

via Chromed Bird in reply to tinaimahara

@nielssert Was gezellig. Was mijn allereerste voice+video chat via Skype :-)

via Chromed Bird in reply to nielssert

@nielssert Sorry, was gister druk aan het Skypen met een femail ;-)

via Chromed Bird in reply to nielssert

watched the #ArtScene episode of the #BBS #Documentary by @textfiles last night and noticed he is the spitting image of @cyclometh! ;-)

via Chromed Bird

@Makenontie Ik loop gewoon naar mijn werk. Wel zo makkelijk :-)

via Chromed Bird in reply to Makenontie

@nielssert Ben jij nog niet op je werk dan? Ik begin de dag om 08:00 :-)

via Chromed Bird in reply to nielssert

I just watched part 4 of the #BBS #Documentary by @textfiles. It is great to see the store behind the decline and ‘fall’ of #FidoNet

via Chromed Bird

stephenfry MPs get medals just for visiting Afghanistan?? Surely that can’t be right. http://bit.ly/dt4sre

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 11:47 AM, Feb 16th, 2010 via <a href="http://github.com/cezarsa/chromed_bird" rel="nofollow">Chromed Bird</a>)

watching part 3 of the excellent #BBS #Documentary made by @textfiles. Lacks #pron, but otherwise just perfect! ;-)

via web

@Makenontie Oh, het was hier ook moederdag op de 14e ;-)

via Chromed Bird in reply to Makenontie

I remembered #Valentine’s day. She did not…

via Chromed Bird

@Makenontie Vind ik ook! Heb ‘m al 2x gezien! :-)

via Chromed Bird in reply to Makenontie

@nielssert Kerst ’97 ben ik uit NL vertrokken…

via Chromed Bird in reply to nielssert

@twittola Enjoy your next… 10-15 years there :-P

via Chromed Bird in reply to twittola

@BasBNCP Nou, vertel me dan maar in een DM ;-)

via Chromed Bird in reply to BasBNCP

JungleDisk We believe we have identified the perfect beer to water ratio in the office fridge. http://twitpic.com/12rxi7

via Echofon (retweeted on 5:11 PM, Feb 12th, 2010 via <a href="http://github.com/cezarsa/chromed_bird" rel="nofollow">Chromed Bird</a>)

@Makenontie Dank, dank! :-)
Hint: met http://translate.google…. kun je #2 ook wel begrijpen… ;-)

via Chromed Bird in reply to Makenontie

@Makenontie Klinkt goed! Creative site, die van jou. Mijn site is wat minder creatief, maar wordt gelukkig toch wel bezocht ;-)

via Chromed Bird in reply to Makenontie

@MICAlumni Yup, een live-verslag op Twitter is zeer welkom! :-)

via Chromed Bird in reply to MICAlumni

cnnbrk Prius owners tell CNN that cruise control, not pedal, is the problem. http://on.cnn.com/bmalvE

via web (retweeted on 9:56 PM, Feb 11th, 2010 via <a href="http://github.com/cezarsa/chromed_bird" rel="nofollow">Chromed Bird</a>)

@EuroFlorist Well, my posting may get you a whole lot more customers from Norway!
Just hope you guys don’t go bankrupt because of it… ;-)

via Chromed Bird in reply to EuroFlorist

@twittola Perhaps #Spotify needs a better host? Something you guys can handle? ;-)

via Chromed Bird in reply to twittola

Got an official(?) reply from #Euroflorist on http://evert.meulie.net/… yesterday! ;-)

via Chromed Bird

@nielssert Maar ik kan je allicht helpen met iets bruikbaars te vinden hier in de buurt! :-)

via Chromed Bird in reply to nielssert

@nielssert Goedkoop bestaat niet in Noorwegen… Nee, ik heb alleen een garage… ;-)

via Chromed Bird in reply to nielssert

Stomach #flu, I think… :-(

via web

@Makenontie Ik schreef niet ‘zot’, maar ‘søt’… ;-)

via Chromed Bird in reply to Makenontie

cnnbrk Toyota will announce a global recall of 2010 Prius hybrids, a source told CNN.

via web (retweeted on 12:23 AM, Feb 9th, 2010 via <a href="http://github.com/cezarsa/chromed_bird" rel="nofollow">Chromed Bird</a>)

@Makenontie Niels wat meer dan jij en ik? ;-)

via Chromed Bird in reply to Makenontie

@Makenontie Prettig gestoord zijn we allemaal! ;-)

via Chromed Bird in reply to Makenontie

@nielssert Nokia is voor computer geeks, Iphone is voor computer newbies! ;-)

via Chromed Bird in reply to nielssert

@caricatures Not watching. Wouldn’t even watch if I was sitting 10 meters away from the action… ;-)

via Chromed Bird in reply to caricatures

donttrythis Recursion: when your wife falls asleep WHILE watching videos from cutethingsfallingasleep.org, THUS becoming one of them.

via web (retweeted on 8:11 AM, Feb 8th, 2010 via <a href="http://github.com/cezarsa/chromed_bird" rel="nofollow">Chromed Bird</a>)

Zzz… Zzz… Zzz…

via Chromed Bird

@nielssert Nokia N900 is veel beter. Die is pas echt open! :-)

via Chromed Bird in reply to nielssert

@nielssert Of is Ellen toevallig je (jongere) zusje? Ik meen me te herinneren dat er een baby bij jullie was toen ik daar eens op bezoek was

via Chromed Bird in reply to nielssert

@Makenontie Je moeder? Die heb ik in een grijs verleden wel eens ontmoet… :-)

via Chromed Bird in reply to Makenontie

@Makenontie Ken ik die Ellen? Is dat je… moeder? ;-)

via Chromed Bird in reply to Makenontie

@Makenontie Hoezo? Feest die Ellen M. Kentie nog langer/harder/dieper/beter dan jjij gewend bent/aan kan? ;-)

via web in reply to Makenontie

zzz… zzz… zzz…

via web

@Makenontie Oh, die heb ik ergens online laten maken. Fotootje geëmailed, en dit is het resultaat. Jouw foto ziet er trouwens ook leuk uit!

via web in reply to Makenontie

@twittola Don’t waste your time by watching that #crap

via web in reply to twittola

grantimahara Perfect for a mobile evil lair! And the price is just right. http://bit.ly/cUmNpH

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 9:19 PM, Feb 5th, 2010 via <a href="http://github.com/cezarsa/chromed_bird" rel="nofollow">Chromed Bird</a>)

@twittola I discovered them a week ago already! :-P

via Chromed Bird in reply to twittola

@caricatures You’re welcome. I’m also available for installations. Done a few of Sugar over the past years… :-)

via Chromed Bird in reply to caricatures

@caricatures I’d be happy to host it for you guys on my server, but that may not get you the best performance, since it’s located in NL…

via Chromed Bird in reply to caricatures

@caricatures The caricature you guys did of me is way better, but for here I use a more comical one for the time being ;-)

via Chromed Bird in reply to caricatures

@caricatures Oh, but I was referring to the free open source edition…! :-) http://bit.ly/cqJqwr

via Chromed Bird in reply to caricatures

@twittola I switched the keywords around, so it’s more be inspired by your tweet, instead of having stolen it… :-P

via Chromed Bird in reply to twittola

@caricatures SugarCRM is not basic anymore, but it does probably cover all your current & future needs :-)

via Chromed Bird in reply to caricatures

Mac OS X 10.3 Installed On Nokia N900 Because It’s Possible - http://shar.es/aMq9j

via ShareThis.com