RT @smartphoneenvy: Motorola takes a shot at Apple with new ad http://bit.ly/gaCY48
linuxfoundation Interview with Linus: Ubuntu, mobile, and hot new “boring stuff” (that really matters) in Linux. http://linx.ly/fBes0l
@JosK Durf ik te vragen wat voor soort email dat is? ;-)
RT @mashable: Extraordinary iPhone App Identifies 2.6 Million TV Shows by “Listening†- http://on.mash.to/fbjI1B
@KHtweets Oops… Vergeten de flag uit te hangen… Ik hoop dat HKH het mij kan vergeven… ;-)
De beste wensen natuurlijk!
@palmarthinsen Not bad ;-)
This Dutch song is equally stressful. Has some more lyrics though…
@palmarthinsen Too modern for me. http://no.wikipedia.org/… is lots better ;-)
@palmarthinsen Nope. To quote the great Bart Simpson: ‘I didn’t think it was physically possible, but it both sucks and blows’ ;-)
@palmarthinsen Couldn’t they just have driven the entire thing into the Glomma? ;-)
engadget Canalys: Android overtakes Symbian as world’s best-selling smartphone platform in Q4 2010 http://engt.co/f6ENli
Closed Apple headed for trouble as Jobs’s ego bites: Netgear CEO http://t.co/2i71TXq via @smh_news
@kristianlunde Ah, ok ;)
Words like ‘proposal’, ‘longterm’ and ‘exciting’ made me think that… ;-)
@JosK Professionals in opleiding… Hmm, het zijn toch pas professionals als ze klaar zijn met die opleiding? ;-)
@kristianlunde Mariage proposal? :-P
@SheilaEdrummer Sheila, does EHF have a Twitter account or preferred hashtag?
Enjoy life. It sure beats the alternative!
BBCBreaking Composer John Barry has died of a heart attack at the age of 77
@JeriLRyan (don’t get me wrong. this cake was an exception. 99% of her bakings are perfect, both in appearance and taste!) :-)
@JeriLRyan Hmm, can I borrow some of that Borg gravity-defying technology to make Marianne happy? ;-)
@JeriLRyan Does this ever happen to you or @chefeme ? ;-)
Making a cake: Marianne 0 - Gravity 1 ;-) http://plixi.com/p/73542…
Who knows what ‘Silver Tail, Special Dry’ was? It costed NOK 9 back in 1943 in Norway #daretoask #Norge
I invested 672e in @darkyy92 by buying 35 shares at http://empireavenue.com/… #EAvBuy
They don’t follow me anymore. Wise decision! ;-) @femNL
Making a cake: Marianne 0 - Gravity 1 ;-) http://plixi.com/p/73542…
@wijkagDuinoord De poolnacht overleefd? Of is de wijk nu een (mooie) ijspegel rijker?
donateadaynet US only: Donate $1 a day to a good cause, and make a difference. Check out http://philanthroper.com/ @philanthropr
@wijkagDuinoord Oh, ik hang lekker binnen voor de TV, dus ik heb geen last van de kou vanavond ;-)
Extract (2009) is the perfect movie for all you Office Space lovers out there. #TPS
@MythBusters Hoe come there are several Paris Hilton apps on the Android Market, but not a single #Mythbusters one?
@wijkagDuinoord Hier is het -16C buiten. Can you top that? ;-)
@wijkagDuinoord Keep it safe and warm ;-)
Of course. You weren’t born yet ;-)
@darkyy92 Should USB-cable be unplugged during Darky’s ROM installation?
Vacuuming sucks…
@wijkagDuinoord Deal! Nou, ik ga maar eens een laag ijs van de auto krabben zodat we naar de winkel kunnen… ;-)
@wijkagDuinoord Dus het moet van de baas? LOL
Nou, als je het maar laat in eventuele DM’s… ;-)
@wijkagDuinoord Ben trouwens altijd beschikbaar voor computer/internet vragen en advies. :-)
@wijkagDuinoord Zeg maar ‘je’, hoor! Als ik naar je foto kijk, ben ik minstens 10 jaar ouder dan jij… ;-)
@JosK M’n zus was inderdaad elke keer de lul …
@wijkagDuinoord TweetDeck, of Chromed Bird als je Chrome als browser gebruikt. Da’s een goede plugin.
mashable Futuristic VW To Hit the Streets, Gets 260 MPG [PICS] - http://on.mash.to/eAy13F
mashable Google to Hold Android Honeycomb Event Next Wednesday - http://on.mash.to/eGgOmE
@wijkagDuinoord Voor Android zou ik Plume aanbevelen. Stukken beter dan TweetDeck…
@JosK Zo is het hier bij de grens ook altijd: iedereen met een buitenlandse plaat is altijd de pineut…
@darkyy92 Why is Voodoo the recommended kernel, as supposed to Speedmod?
RT @CaliLewis: The first rule of holes: when you’re in one, stop digging.
engadget Visualized: Google’s periodic table of APIs http://engt.co/ihTlMx
@gvanlee Goh… Leeft die nog?? ;-)
thinkgeek Speaking of Data Privacy Day: torproject.org RT @torproject: From the 1 ISP left online in #Egypt, #tor usage skyrockets http://j.mp/iegVa6
@Crystal_Jewels1 My guess would be… April? Unfortunately I wouldn’t know what to sell you ;-)
@EpicTweets_ Done only 1 of those 3 things as a teenager… ;-)
EFF Comparative study of European #surveillance and #privacy laws released
by @privacyint @CMCSatCEU http://bit.ly/eRbMT8 #netfreedom
mashable Internet Access & SMS Blocked in Egypt as Protests Escalate - http://on.mash.to/ei0Jxf #Egypt #Jan25
Another day at home, taking care of Jacob who still has a fever and leaky nose…
Starting the day on the phone with our hosting provider who can’t tell me why their datalines are malfunctioning… #fail
JeriLRyan Didja know? Disney made a live-action version of UP in the 1960’s: http://is.gd/wl5zTD /via @KenPlume
googleapis Check out a beautiful periodic table of Google APIs by @edr http://code.google.com/m…
@Alyssa_Milano I am now :-)
@Crystal_Jewels1 I’d prefer, for example, ‘Quality Life Preservers’ over ‘Cheap Life Preservers’ ;-)
@ChristianKane01 Ah… You here in Norway now? ;-)
@Crystal_Jewels1 Some times quality simply isn’t all that important, but cheap is… ;-)
engadget Google adds HTML5 Gmail and Gtalk notifications for the desktop, makes you envy Chrome users http://engt.co/fyGGUU
mashable Google Engages in Subtle Form of Censorship - http://on.mash.to/fNwHBY
jimmy_wales If only there were an online encyclopedia… oh wait, what was that site? http://ow.ly/3KSva
engadget Visualized: the last glass eye maker in Britain http://engt.co/eW2mLJ
If you had to recommend 1 tablet, would it be the Xoom?
mashable Is Facebook Testing Voice Chat? [PIC] - http://on.mash.to/fKHnLb
janaagenor Norway central bank keeps interest rate at 2%. Good decition!
@EmilieMeli 20 yrs from now? You’re in a hovercar, heading to Svinesund to go shopping with your kids. Still no Systembolaget there though
mashable Android App Merges SMS, Facebook Chat & Twitter - http://on.mash.to/eci5Xe
Blyfunn i kaffeautomater - kan svekke IQen http://s.meulie.net/eAI2… Explains why the layout of this article sucks ass… #Dagbladet
@TwileShare Here’s my first share: http://twitter.com/meuli… :-)
Testing out #Twileshare by sharing our 2010 Xmas card. My son and his grandfather :-) http://twl.sh/hSxuHN
@TwileShare Thanks :-) I’m in :-)
engadget Google ‘not happy’ with Android Market purchase rates, many changes coming http://engt.co/dOL2oL
@TwileShare I’d love to check out your system, but the blog with invites seems to be down…?
engadget Vint Cerf on IPv4 depletion: ‘Who the hell knew how much address space we needed?’ http://engt.co/gJzhYR
I see one of my newest followers is @femNL (‘What women want’). Am I what women want…? Really…? ;-)
@mashable Store is up again. Anything new there?
mashable Apple Store Is Down, Is the White iPhone 4 Coming? - http://on.mash.to/houYkm
@cnordbakk a Galaxy S with a custom ROM from @darkyy92 is all you need. Lightning fast, and it does _anything_ you want it to do :-)
engadget ‘Robot’ marks its 90th anniversary as a word http://engt.co/h2NAPl
JeriLRyan Yep. MAN-CAAAAVE!!! http://bit.ly/i1G4ke /via @bonappetitmag
@cnordbakk Wise decision. And now no more time-wasting, and back to Linux! :-)
google Help wanted! 2011 will be our biggest hiring year in company history http://goo.gl/FIg9Y
engadget Paper batteries recharge from moisture in the air, seemingly defy laws of nature http://engt.co/eukvBJ
AnneliesvNispen Hawk in Library of Congress’ main reading room http://blogs.loc.gov/loc… #naturetakesover
@JosK En ik altijd maar denken dat oker ook geel was… ;-)
De misgeboorte van een neologisme - http://s.meulie.net/eUPA…
Laradio BREKEND IMpact Retail (It’s Electronics, Prijstopper) vraagt uitstel van betaling aan. Alle winkels en webshops gesloten.
‘Nobody’s perfect… And I sure as [beep] ain’t Mr. Nobody!’
@grantimahara Is that where you woke up after a wild night on the town with @donttrythis? ;-)
google 2011 will be the 7th annual Summer of Code. University student? Work on open source projects this summer http://goo.gl/ys5vn
engadget Google brings Cloud Print service to mobile Google Docs, Gmail http://engt.co/ii9Y0O
engadget Exclusive: Barnes & Noble phasing out the Nook 3G, cites lack of bulk demand http://engt.co/hgdzKf
Enjoyed a pleasant dinner at @dollypizza in Sarpsborg. Friendly personnel and good food! :-)
Just consumed a yummy garlic-pepperoni-pineapple pizza at Dolly Dimple’s Sarpsborg
@CaliLewis Trying to sound 100x as blond as you actually are? ;-)
jimmy_wales Interesting: What happens when an entire country legalizes drug use? http://ow.ly/3J6Iv
Check out IKEA-hackers - a site about modifications on and repurposing of Ikea products - http://s.meulie.net/gFxz…
@jasperverweij @voertuiginfo Bedankt! Even verdachte bestelbus nagekeken die in de straat staat. Model/merk kloppen, dus zal wel ok zijn…
@bkooijman De meest recente nieuws-entry die genoemd wordt op http://www.cloud.nl/ (‘Shared desktop cloud’) geeft een 404…
@supercurio Hmm… SpeedMod seems quite stable, but I _know_ Voodoo is super-stable. Difficult choice… :-)
@jasperverweij @voertuiginfo Bedankt! Even verdachte bestelbus nagekeken die in de straat staat. Model/merk kloppen, dus zal wel ik zijn…
@supercurio What makes the Voodoo kernel better/different from SpeedMod?
@gvanlee lekker! :-)
@svwestendorp Dus RDW is de enige openbare? Nou, dan wacht ik maar geduldig totdat ‘ie het weer doet…
@svwestendorp Kun je me een voorbeeld van zo’n site geven?
@svwestendorp En die andere sites werken dus ook niet als de RDW het niet doet? Of hebben die een DB-kopie?
Zijn er andere sites waar ik een NL kenteken kan opzoeken behalve https://ovi.rdw.nl? Kenteken->Merk&bouwjaar #durftevragen #RDW
Wil ik een kenteken opzoeken, ligt https://ovi.rdw.nl/ net weer plat… #RDW #NL #kenteken #fail
@svwestendorp Ik ben in Noorwegen, dus dat zou het wel eens kunnen zijn…
Cyclometh Just got called “sir” by a fellow customer at grocery store. Felt old briefly but got over it.
Zag net een NL nummerbord op een auto: wit met zwarte letters. Klopt dat wel? #durftevragen #kenteken #NL
Two Suns? Twin Stars Could Be Visible From Earth By 2012 http://huff.to/i9l7MZ via @huffingtonpost
I can’t imagine anyone still running stock Samsung on their Galaxy S when they can run the magnificent cookings by @darkyy92
@gvanlee Ik vond ‘m wel aardig. Misschien dat de wodka hielp…?
Alyssa_Milano 5 Wacky Internet Pranks That Can Get You Jail Time—> http://is.gd/sA3oJd /via @cracked
kmobs Oops: No copied Java code or weapons of mass destruction found in Android http://goo.gl/Bz9yi
I still love the part where Benny of @axisofawesome goes hypersonic while doing ‘Take on me’ in http://s.meulie.net/e9lJ… #a-ha
@SonyReaderStore When I attempt to download the Android Reader app I get ‘The requested item could not be found’. I am located in Norway.
@undergroundzUSP @ardrone Let’s hope it gets even better than the Apple app! :-)
@Ramonahz me neither :-)
Google confirms 300,000 Android device activations a day http://s.meulie.net/fWgb… #Google #Android
@ACC_ I’m here :-)
RT @mashable: New Twitter Worm Exploits Google’s URL Shortener to Spread Malware [WARNING] - http://on.mash.to/fDTSUq
@Ramonahz Time flies when you’re having fun 8-)
Long overdue new version of the Wayback Machine being tested, and looking spiffy! http://waybackmachine.or… #Wayback
Maak het studentenprotest 2x zo groot! Loop mee op http://www.pixelprotest…. en laat je stem horen op het Malieveld tegen de #kenniscrisis
@ardrone Ah… I thought 2.2 finally was supposed to have ad hoc support… Bummer!
@ardrone I want to be able to control an AR.Drone with my Android 2.2 phone… Please, please, please! :-)
RT @bouska: Today is International Day of Acceptance in support of those w/ disabilities. // Why only 1 day a year? I do that 24/7/365…
Last night I installed #Wordfeud on my phone. A brilliant ‘crossword style multiplayer word game’ for Android http://s.meulie.net/ihRP…
engadget Larry Page takes over as Google CEO, Eric Schmidt now Executive Chairman http://engt.co/htcSy2
mashable 10 Million User Accounts Compromised in Trapster App Attack - http://on.mash.to/fnJ4As
librarythingtim @glecharles The future is here. Nobody uses it. :)
Well, not really… Just teasing @ACC_ a bit. ;-)
The biggest hit of all times from Italy: http://s.meulie.net/h6Y5… #Italy #melons @ACC_
RT @iFixit: Apple’s diabolical plan to screw your iPhone! http://bit.ly/eSSdtB
Iran has banned the production of Valentine’s Day gifts and any promotion of the day http://s.meulie.net/gGWv… #Valentine #goodidea
@brentspiner What was it like, the Acid Drive? http://s.meulie.net/fDjn…
@levarburton What was it like, the Acid Drive? http://s.meulie.net/fDjn…
@realnichelle http://s.meulie.net/fDjn… Any Acid Drive on ST:TOS? ;-)
Always a nice effect: Evaporating Water in -30C (in Yellowknife, NWT) http://s.meulie.net/dRKG… #cold #water
PaulOBrien Web pages with sound should be banned. Literally.
DieLaughing If you find yourself doing the same thing over and over on a computer, then you don’t understand what computers are for.
@ACC_ Nice new pic! Approved! ;-)
The English Language In 24 Accents - http://s.meulie.net/hTDN…
Pippemuis Iemand gemeubileerd, leegstaand huisje/flatje in Amersfoort? Ik zoek iets tijdelijks voor een vrouw in nood (8 mnd zwanger) en uitgeput.. TX
linuxfoundation Original: OpenSSH Tips and Tricks: Beyond Secure Shell http://bit.ly/e9XxQ1 #linux
mashable DOS Emulator Returns to the iOS App Store - http://on.mash.to/gpxNrR
BasBNCP Steve Buscemi als Beastie Boy! http://bit.ly/dEYajD
engadget British man convicted for riding Segway on the sidewalk, can’t ride on the street either http://engt.co/dZ1V32
mashable Uncensored Playboy Magazine Coming to iPad in March - http://on.mash.to/hNt9YT
@ACC_ Yup, you got 2 nice round melons! ;-)
engadget HTML5 gets a brave new logo for this brave new world http://engt.co/f3xbIx
@gvanlee Oh, daar ben ik nooit aan begonnen. Ik spreek lekker The King’s English, en dat begrijpen ze gelukkig best. Versta wel Noors… ;-)
@gvanlee Ik hoor het al… Net zo ingewikkeld daar als het hier is… ;-)
@gvanlee eenmanszaak?
@gvanlee ZZP? Die afkorting bestond nog niet toen ik NL verliet…
gvanlee Retweet dit bericht voor 18:00u en je maakt kans om helemaal niets te winnen! (Alleen vandaag!)
@gvanlee Jijzelf? :-P
bortzmeyer A UDP packet walks into a bar, the bartender says “Hello”, the UDP packet didn’t acknowledge. #geek (from a private XMPP room)
How To Make People Paranoid - http://s.meulie.net/fhKT…
mashable HTML5 Gets an Official Logo from W3C - http://on.mash.to/ei773r
Ikke lov Ã¥ ringe gratis i Sverige - Mobiloperatørene vil sperre for IP-telefoni. http://s.meulie.net/ijpC… #VoIP #Sverige
@jerilryan Daily Cute: Catatonic dog: http://s.meulie.net/hC4t…
Make Simple Android Apps from Your Website with AppsGeyser http://bit.ly/gqoP3Q
Put all your ISO-images on this drive, and select which one to use/boot from with the turn of a wheel http://s.meulie.net/e4oJ… #Zalman
So that’s what 153XXX looks like… http://s.meulie.net/hhCV… A bit too much for my taste… @chelsea_charms
@ChristianKane01 Ask her! :-)
@BibliotheekUvA Hoofden… Mensen hebben hoofden, geen koppen… ;-)
joshu iPad spelling autocorrect just enabled me to sexually harass my entire company at once.
@joshu What did you end up sending out thanks to that autocorrect? ;-)
JeriLRyan Really, scientists? You wanna clone a mammoth? Do you people not WATCH movies?? Sigh…
Citizens borrowed all books from Stony Stratford library in protest against plans to close the library down http://s.meulie.net/h6P0…
ChasLicc The clothes of 2000 according to the 1930s http://bit.ly/hSHpa
According to @Klout, @jerilryan has earned 5 achievements http://bit.ly/959xRB
According to @Klout, @alyssa_milano has built a very large,engaged network through high quality, trustworthy content. - http://bit.ly/dLXW4h
Magnus Carlsen gikk pÃ¥ sjokktap http://www.ap.no/nyheter… @aft_mobil
3D TV without any glasses. Now that’s just… creepy! http://s.meulie.net/fsNz… #3D
@JeriLRyan Do you like cupcakes? BIG ones? http://s.meulie.net/h1QX…
@oleamundsen This is the perfect phone for you! http://www.daizizheng.co…
I installed the app from http://organdonasjon.no to make clear that my organs are for grabs when I croak #organdonor #Norway @organdonasjon
JeriLRyan OMG, this cracked me up! (kinda hate myself for laughing, but I mean come ON!) ;-) http://bit.ly/eoz2Y9 /via @travelerspeaks
Enjoying the custom ROM which @darkyy92 made for my Samsung Galaxy S :-)
2525 :-) Bewoners lenen uit protest tegen sluiting bibliotheek alle boeken http://bit.ly/hcGHgV
Game Written by a 14-Year-Old Passes Angry Birds as Top Free iPhone App http://t.co/9eaattp
engadget Steve Jobs takes medical leave from Apple, Tim Cook taking over in his absence http://engt.co/gHyGxk
engadget Toyota developing new type of electric motor in an effort to escape dependency on rare earth metals http://engt.co/g7eyay
bbcfocus Could our obsession with hygiene be causing allergies? Research suggests that dirt could in fact be good for you http://bit.ly/h3sKaQ
organdonasjon Gratis donorkort til smarttelefoner. Sjekk ut: http://bit.ly/d9Kd6m
Alyssa_Milano RESEARCH PROVES IT: Your iPad is killing you http://read.bi/fGTbn3 /via @businessinsider
@ACC_ Is that you? ;-)
probeer het eens via http://translate.google…. :-)
Minneord om Annbjørg Holmberg Digre http://s.meulie.net/fvWA…
Perhaps this is a good idea for Amsterdam CS? - Japan bike storage - http://s.meulie.net/hav1… #fiets #Amsterdam #bicycle
Samsung Galaxy Tab for NOK 4444 at Lefdal online: http://s.meulie.net/h4xA… #Norway #Android #GalaxyTab #Lefdal
JeriLRyan 13 “Health Foods” That Aren’t (just a few of many) http://huff.to/fS38U7 /via @bittman @Appetite4Profit