What do people love retweeting? s.meulie.net/1o8j0ZN
It’s now possible to print computer memory on paper s.meulie.net/1psPayS
Gmail Mail Fetcher - if only it worked… http://t.co/elmlzz4v2m

GeorgeTakei Don’t like or share this unless you know why this is funny. pic.twitter.com/ObyWyGagLY
“The App I Used to Break Into My Neighbor’s Home”s.meulie.net/1o5graU19
Instagram quietly (and slowly) launches Snapchat rival, Bolt s.meulie.net/1nU0bLh
Copy Successful Traders at eToro - the social investment network. Get a free $20 gift card to invest with! etoro.tw/1uHi2sG
14 Weird Al Covers Illustrated in One Amazing White Board Video s.meulie.net/1o4daZo
We Are Family: A Family Tree of the Entire Human Race s.meulie.net/1o1PfK1
Facebook: Get Messenger app or else s.meulie.net/1qJYZfu
Delivery drone flies like a plane, lands like a helicopter, has a 30km range s.meulie.net/UzfCM7
Single Tree Grows 40 Kinds Of Fruit s.meulie.net/Uzfah9
Nevil Maskelyne Made Headlines As A Hacker Who Infiltrated What? s.meulie.net/1nW5Ajs
How To Anonymously Tell Your Co-Worker She Smells s.meulie.net/1rAEmyF
Google Is Down! Search Engine Goes Briefly Offline, Entire World Panics s.meulie.net/Uzkyk9
Amazon’s 3D printing store s.meulie.net/1nWSKBA
Google Is Testing A Wikipedia-Powered Interactive Timeline View For Historical Knowledge Graph Searches s.meulie.net/1nW5lou
@watchup Any idea on when I’ll hear from them?
Red Beard Brew Bars s.meulie.net/1l7kiQt
Why People Aren’t Buying iPads Anymore s.meulie.net/1zlxfi7
Before The Word Scientist Was Coined, Scientists Were Called What? s.meulie.net/1rKjfxp
Mark Zuckerberg to testify against man who claimed to own Facebook s.meulie.net/1o5geju
Simplified sign-in with Chrome for Android s.meulie.net/1zkKYWg
The world’s most secure OS may have a serious problem s.meulie.net/1nOtJZe
Seagull turns carnivore as it eats rabbit it has just caught s.meulie.net/1qGhSQC
@watchup Not unless you follow me here on Twitter, it seems…
@watchup Tried that just now. No change.
@watchup Installed OK, but tells me: ‘Could not connect to the server, please try again later’.
@watchup Installing as we speak. Thanks!! :-)
Google’s New Moonshot Project: the Human Body s.meulie.net/1xc411W
@watchup Make it work on Android and I will :-)
@HPSupport Thanks :-) I’ve followed the instructions within.
Google’s $1B purchase of Twitch confirmed — joins YouTube for new video empire s.meulie.net/1rEReqN
The perfect movie for such a hot day! #Snowpiercer #tvtag tvt.ag/1iRLAyH
Genius Dad Figures Out Way To Fill 37 Water Balloons In 20 Seconds s.meulie.net/1nw0hqS
andersoncooper God Bless the Netherlands for how they are welcoming these people on the first part of their journey home
@HPSupport You don’t know the HP-35??
Shame on you!! ;-)
@HPSupport Where can I obtain a manual for my HP-35 calculator? (not HP-35S!)
Ethereum Launches Ether s.meulie.net/WDxZ3W
Rashidpolo Discrimination is never cool. I’m glad I could shed some light on such a sensitive topic in a positive way.
William Shatner Slams Facebook App Designed for Celebs Like Him s.meulie.net/1A572FF
Amazon Quietly Launches Its Consumer-Facing Mobile Wallet App, Amazon Wallet s.meulie.net/1r6I02O
More than 40 reported dead in emergency landing of Taiwanese passenger plane s.meulie.net/1A5IvjS
Malaysia Airlines Flight 17: Dutch declare day of national mourning for plane crash victims s.meulie.net/1r65Ony
Dell embraces Bitcoin s.meulie.net/1rwwEJ8
Chinese hackers take command of Tesla Model S s.meulie.net/1nNR1dg
@watchup Why can’t I install whatsup? ‘Not available in your country’… Isn’t news global nowadays?
Coca-Cola Tricks You Need To See To Believe s.meulie.net/1oXnRK8
Amazon’s Kindle Unlimited offers all-you-can-eat e-books for $10 a month s.meulie.net/1rpQpCh
Snowden Says Drop Dropbox, Use SpiderOak s.meulie.net/1u0A1dp
Flying Dinosaur From China Had Four Wings And Longest Feathers Ever Seen In Raptors s.meulie.net/Ue1nMM
Microsoft to cut 18,000 jobs this year as it chops Nokia s.meulie.net/1qKB4bw
RT @MAS: Malaysia Airlines has lost contact of MH17 from Amsterdam. The last known position was over Ukrainian airspace. More details to fo…
Malaysia Airlines plane shot down in Ukraine near Russian border s.meulie.net/1tW4qcN
Large crater appears at the ‘end of the world’ s.meulie.net/1ytyjjg
‘Harry Potter’ Actor Dave Legeno Found Dead in Desert s.meulie.net/1oOvLIj
Musk to donate $1 million toward Nikola Tesla museum s.meulie.net/W3eMsw
How to Bypass and Reset the Password on Every Operating System s.meulie.net/1kcYRNy
Amazon announces Zocalo, challenging Google Docs in the enterprise s.meulie.net/1zsZgVV
Microsoft Flight Simulator returns — and is coming to Steam s.meulie.net/1oFfMe6
Every Country’s Postage Bears The Name Of That Country Except Fors.meulie.net/1oET0643H

MailOnline Australian priest uses Facebook to share messages of equality dailym.ai/1mAWSYZ pic.twitter.com/g75geFqDni
MailOnline Men become ‘invisible’ to younger women when they hit 39 dailym.ai/1mbrI9p
@OfficialARobben Waar zijn die koelvesten te krijgen? Ik zweet me kapot!
With Google Offer, Cloud Storage Gets Closer to Free s.meulie.net/1jpoeAX
Frontier Airlines pilot buys pizza for stranded passengers on flight s.meulie.net/1qUGpk0
Taking Down the Lecpetex Botnet s.meulie.net/1oj1Gxr

textfiles One way or another, I’m getting that data out. pic.twitter.com/mCutS6sS8U
Samsung robbed of $36m in electronics in Brazil heist s.meulie.net/1qeKxrx
What Now Casual Fabric Was Once Billed As The Cloth Of Kings? s.meulie.net/1qdTGAu
MIME Types Explained: Why Linux and Mac OS X Don’t Need File Extensions.meulie.net/TNeJz34b
Google gently tells users to blame ISPs for poor YouTube performance s.meulie.net/1odhC4v
In The 1930s A Newspaper Reporter’s Hoax Led To A Longstanding Tradition Ofs.meulie.net/1orz0UjQq
@the__oral take a look at @donateadaynet . Sounds like it’s right up your alley :-)
TeliaSonera kjøper Tele2 Norge for 5 milliarder
Is Your Android Device Telling the World Where You’ve Been? s.meulie.net/1q5z8u1
Varig oppholdsbevis / Permanent residence permit!: http://t.co/CK8OoE9prX via @meulie
How to open a bottle of wine, without a corkscrew https://t.co/iGqEA9Wj7N
@postennorge Is this a bug, or a feature? http://t.co/ljhgXtmY8j
Posten Sporing app lets me track my packages… and everyone else’s!: http://t.co/ljhgXtmY8j
The Economy Of The Country Nauru Is Based Almost Entirely On Exporting? s.meulie.net/1j2g3Kr
James Bond: 25 movies & 10(!) actors in 50 years http://t.co/7az3asB9EM
RT @PolitiOstfldOPS: Melding om falsk hjemmehjelp, kom på døra til kvinne i Korsgata, S.borg, utenlandsk mann, ingen beskr. ut over dette, …
A New App Called Moment Shows You How Addicted You Are To Your iPhone s.meulie.net/1q1WPTK

500px “Red In Red” by Maja Topcagic: bit.ly/VJq8ld via @500px #photography pic.twitter.com/6En9y65YcK
BBCBreaking Rolf Harris won’t face trial over claims he downloaded sexual images of children, prosecutors say bbc.in/1q1c5k0
How to find what Google search is deleting s.meulie.net/1q1N4oB
Euro trash tour: Dumpster diver’s war on waste s.meulie.net/1xkQ57Q/1xkQ57Q…
@heatherAtaylor May I suggest… the Netherlands? :) #WorldCup2014
Early Forensic Experts Were Trained Using What? s.meulie.net/1rmk2Uu
Facebook used you like a lab rat and you probably don’t care s.meulie.net/1z9ECde/1z9ECde…
@heatherAtaylor Are you following the #WorldCup2014? Who’s your favorite?
@humandotco Will there be Human for Android?
It Looks Like Google’s Plan To Improve Your Android Phone’s Battery Life Is Working s.meulie.net/1qk2Ptd
Happy 35th birthday, Walkman s.meulie.net/1kd0GK1
Battle of the Foods: The Belgium-USA World Cup Chowdown s.meulie.net/TNM9h6
Dropbox and the failures behind it s.meulie.net/1lwbZwH

PCCS_VA Argentina vs Switzerland
#argentinasvizzera pic.twitter.com/xBFhANFxHo
Bitcoin Is On A Gigantic Tear s.meulie.net/1pGKhFJ
RT @donateadaynet: a day’s salary has been donated to @seashepherd http://t.co/OODpSDCnlF #donateaday
Google finally shuts down its first social network, Orkut s.meulie.net/1mDhnOz
Google’s Quickoffice makes a quiet exit s.meulie.net/1iPNTT0