@MrWestern This one is part of our alarm system, not a stand-alone…
Sarpsborg-Sandefjord 8-0! http://s.meulie.net/gIwj… #fotball #Sarpsborg #Sandefjord
Only in Boston: Road directions, or the artist formerly known as Prince? http://plixi.com/p/88367…
@boeren Ah… Die van ons is nog niet eens 3…
@boeren Hoe oud is jouw J? Onze J slaapt nog steeds met speen, maar we gaan het ook maar eens proberen af te bouwen.
Smoke detector just went off, but no sight/smell of smoke… #strange
wereldomroep Amsterdamse grachten krijgen eigen museum: ‘Aan de Amsterdamse grachten, heb ik heel mijn hart voor altijd… http://tinyurl.com/4ftm3…
mashable You Can Now Convert Your Facebook Profile to a Facebook Page - http://on.mash.to/eqxjhs
EosChater I love these! RT @PictureEditor: 60 completely unusable stock photos: http://tiny.cc/331qo
gowalla Five new featured spots in Oslo, including Sentrum Scene http://gowal.la/s/LEV and Akershus Festning http://gowal.la/s/3Fns
@Naaoomieh Vraag of Steef je even helpt ;-)
Genoeg mensen ontvolgd voor 100% bevrediging? // RT @Naaoomieh: Ontvolgen kan trouwens heel bevredigend zijn :)
engadget Samsung Galaxy S rumored to be getting a 1.4GHz ’2011 edition’ next month http://engt.co/gQeoAl
@EosChater Rise and shine… The sun is out there… somewhere… (not here. more snow pouring down…)
Microsoft to file antitrust complaint against Google http://s.meulie.net/i56a… #Microsoft #Google #antitrust #ironic
@DavidGArnold Do we dare ask who you slaughtered to get them in there in the first place?
@Naaoomieh Heb alleen maar nieuwe foto’s van de grote Jacob. De kleine Jacob staat alleen op oude foto’s ;-)
@supercurio Takes forever to fire up, but once it’s up, it’s worth it. Thanks for the tip! :-)
@Naaoomieh Ik ben er nog steeds, hoor ;-)
@supercurio Looks impressive, yes… Worth the price?
Keep half an eye on others in the room while you’re fondling your spanking new #iPad2 http://s.meulie.net/e352…
And now #Gogrid has been compromised as well:
Dear Valued Customer,
In the normal process of reviewing our (cont) http://tl.gd/9ir1e7
@HDonoho Been doing the left hand thingie as long as I can recall. Works just fine…
Bestanden teruggehaald van een kaduke schijf voor de zwager van een collega -> kratje bier gehad #leuk #zuipen
iPhones have the tendency to be a little weird now and then // RT @HDonoho: Twitter is being weird. Or my iPhone is.
@HDonoho Could easily turn into something like @donttrythis on the treadmill http://www.youtube.com/w…
RT @DavidGArnold: A man walks into a library and says
“I hope you don’t have a book on reverse psychology.” Â Â
@Naaoomieh mooi zo! nog even volhouden! :-)
@Naaoomieh Dus op welke plaats sta je nu?
10 Strange but legitimate federal tax deductions in the USA http://s.meulie.net/hjpa…
@boeren Yup, af en toe tijd om een filmpje te kijken, tussen alle TPS rapporten & PC LOAD LETTER probleempjes door.
Developers Gone Bad: Fired Programmers Strike Back…With Nasty Code http://s.meulie.net/het2…
Kom ik volgende maand even op je tapijtje wateren! // RT @boeren: @meulie nee meer dude. ben ook gaan bowlen :-)
@boeren Wist niet dat jij jezelf tegenwoordig als hiphopper omschreef ;-)
Will this Chinese fashion trend make it to the West this summer? Chinese Shirt Roll http://s.meulie.net/gwbq… #fashionfail
GuidoThys Briljant! RT @tuttel @maartenvv: RT @csolcer: Hoe Hema Amstelveen zeer creatief omgaat met winkeldiefstal: http://youtu.be/kKzVWOKs…
Luie donder! // RT @gvanlee: Het nadeel van alleen thuis zijn is dat er niemand koffie voor je haalt. #lopendanmaarweer
@skazita thanks :-)
bbcfocus Japan to scrap stricken reactors http://bbc.in/eGYQAh
The best part about this tweet is that by the time you’ve finished reading it, you will realize that there was absolutely no point to it.
@EosChater and the same to you :-)
Soccer Dog http://s.meulie.net/g7mt… #soccer #girls #dog
Angry Birds - the Movie (trailer) http://s.meulie.net/foS4…
Dear @LeoDiCaprio , you have a dream within a dream within a dream. You’re just giving me more chances.
Sincerely, Freddy Kreuger
Well, he _is_ a lot more musical than this Dutchman… // RT @EosChater: Twitter has told me to follow Andre Rieu. That is all.
thinkgeek Hey kids, don’t chat with hairy men in sleeveless t-shirts… via MS Word? 90s PSA on Internet Safety: http://j.mp/dXqlsY
@EosChater Always welcome. Got some tea to go with it? :-)
@JosK Jij weer op de glasplaat gezeten om je derrière te Xeroxen? ;-)
@DavidGArnold You guys still don’t drink coffee in the UK? ;-)
mashable 50% of Tweets Consumed Come From Only 0.05% of Twitter Users [STUDY] - http://on.mash.to/eM8qo0
Time for some shut-eye… See you all again tomorrow! :-)
birgerweb This is the brand name I’d take to the English-speaking world: http://www.foka.no/
@EmilieMeli 3 out of 4 ain’t bad… ;-)
@HDonoho In about 5 mins. all fakers will add Riley to their profile pics as well ;-)
@EmilieMeli English should be easy for you :-)
@IMV55 Have they ever acted/performed together?
@EmilieMeli School keeping you busy? Haven’t you seen here for almost a week, right?
@EmilieMeli I’m sure it’s the opposite for girls my age. They al want to look younger. Very few actually succeed in that… ;-)
@ChaseVodka Is your Vodka also being exported to Norway and/or Sweden?
@EmilieMeli Don’t girls your age like/want to look older? ;-)
@EmilieMeli You look older… :-)
Well, the best of luck!
@EmilieMeli Let’s see who gets his/her license first. I flunked my test last friday, so there’s still a chance you’re first! ;-)
@EmilieMeli yeah, I know I am… ;-)
You starting with your driving soon?
@BoswachterNHD Zeker weten! Er is hier in Noorwegen misschien wel meer natuur, maar het is toch niet helemaal hetzelfde…
Heading home. A little muddy here… http://twitpic.com/4eahgx
My laptop just went Чорнобиль on me… (to early to use ç¦å³¶ç¬¬ä¸€åŽŸå力発電所 as funny reference) #Chernobyl #Fukushima
RIP Wenche Foss
The user experience of my office laptop now floats somewhere between craptastic & craptacular. Time for some shopping!
LordStewie If money doesn’t grow on trees..Then why do banks have branches?
Back behind my desk, working for the Stig… #notTopGear
Preserving electricity doesn’t end after #earthhour
Do it always! @earthhour
Dry eyes and come back in 5 months…
None that fit in 140 chars // RT @elshanson morning all.. anyone have any funny dreams they’d care to share?!
odd_stream World Record retweeting, this is it, join by forwarding this message and create an Oddstream and set the WR, #oddstream http://bit.ly/hMDBhu
@BoswachterNHD Vroeger was ik elke week in de bossen/duinen met #Bogeheimers .
Nu alleen nog soms als ik weer in NL ben…
At #Memira for another eye checkup.
@EosChater Are you left handed? I know both me and my son are.
They don’t say “I do” on a nerd wedding but “I accept the terms and conditions”.
@ACC_ Check http://www.youtube.com/w… from about 3:28. Don’t see/hear similarities?
@ACC_ She played President Taylor in ’24’. http://en.wikipedia.org/…
Is it just me, or do Kate Mulgrew & Cherry Jones look like twin-sisters, separated at birth? #KateMulgrew #CherryJones
I just unlocked the “Bender” badge on @foursquare! http://4sq.com/gX6FOr
Normal behaviour when uploading spinning class // RT @MrWestern Cannot upload to #garmin connect. Uploader just spins forever..
@elfkn Gefeliciteerd!
mashable Richard Simmons + Air New Zealand = Best In-Flight Safety Video Ever - http://on.mash.to/eKxGYW
GeorgeTakei The 3 nations that don’t use the metric system? USA, Liberia & Myanmar. The Axis of Backwards. #NeedStrongerLiters
@BoswachterNHD Zo ver weg… en hier ook mooie bossen. Maar geen boswachters…
Ben volgende maand in NL, dus als het weer goed is… :-)
Amazing Dancer - Norway’s got talent 2011 - Tord (10) - http://www.youtube.com/w…
@darkyy92 Still seeing 9.4 boot animation. Is that because I didn’t wipe?
@elshanson I wish I could, but I’d collapse before even reaching you #incrappyshape
@BoswachterNHD Dacht ik al, maar wilde het toch effect checken. Al weer sinds ’98 uit Castricum weg, dus ik weet het niet allemaal meer ;-)
@BoswachterNHD Die is toch in… Heemskerk?
@DavidGArnold Gimme an address/GPS coordinates ;-)
Another weekend, another #headache… Not fun…
@GeorgeTakei wack-a-mac! ;-)
antiSerphres Textaphrenia - thinking you’ve heard or felt a new text message vibration when there’s actually no message at all. #wealldoit
We’re done with #earthhour. All lights on full blast again! #nonono
Don’t just preserve electricity 1 hour/year during #earthhour . Do it always @earthhour
Almost 8:30pm here, so time for #earthhour . Go punch someone’s lights out!
RealKiefer Watching the news this morning and wondering how much Qaddafi paid for Michael Jackson’s wardrobe
RT @tw1tt3rart: Leonard Nimoy b’day! #twitterart
@stephenstohn One of those things with a 7MP… err… 0.7MP camera?
@TheRealNimoy Happy Birthday!
@EosChater nor as bad as in-head ones, but they can still be loud…
@EosChater @DavidGArnold @caitlinmoran @porksmith @rickontour Real drumkit, or just inside your head?
Isn’t it better to use light sparingly all year instead of turning all off for just 1 hour/year? #earthhour
@SheilaEdrummer Deep Purple was here last year, so we’re long overdue with some good looks on stage! :-)
Earth Hour includes shutting down any Twitter-capable devices! #earthhour
They take orders via Twitter? Cool! // RT @DavidGArnold @ChaseVodka ive run out of you
thetombryan Just discovered the reason bluetooth k’board wasn’t working with iPad 2 was because of nearby iPad 1. Now THAT is a first world problem.
@SheilaEdrummer Sarpsborg, Norway ;-)
JeriLRyan These pics made me cry! So beautiful. A Tribute To Dads: http://bit.ly/aLixsK /via @Minervity
@Philbradley Cataloging people? You a librarian or something? ;-)
FreddyAmazin You never really learn to swear until you start driving.
axisofawesome About to go on stage in Stockholm - 650 Swedens in the audience, sounding pumped!
Relaxing on the sofa with (a paper edition of) the Reader’s Digest #RD
@Dutchcowboy And how do you like that HD 7.0… err… 0.7MP camera? ;-)
@gvanlee Email je ze toch even? [email protected]
@EosChater Lucky you! Who my boss is depends on the (time of) day. Can be the company CEO, or my 2.5 year old son.
@EosChater Does your boss read your tweets? ;-)
@GeorgeTakei Feel free to leave out ‘this year’ in that tweet ;-)
@DavidGArnold Brainy person? Greet Stephen Hawking from me!
Recipe for an 80’s computer ad: 1 computer, 1 @JohnCleese , and 1 dead fish. http://s.meulie.net/fO7h…
Romulan Ale: It’s what keeps @levarburton on his feet! http://www.thinkgeek.com… @thinkgeek
Jeremy: (To @stephenfry) Have you, um, have you been to the Isle of Man?
Stephen: Yes, you go to the airport, (cont) http://tl.gd/9fl8rk
@MrWestern They pooped on the street while walking their dogs? ;-)
@EosChater Not all that different from your pic on Twitter. Someone could even be mistaken and think you are holding an ice pick on it ;-)
@EosChater A pic like http://s.meulie.net/igj7… ?
The Japanese can repair a road like this in six days: http://aol.it/ifzwLx Mesta, watch and learn! #Mesta #Norge
@EosChater Wouldn’t hurt to include a pic of yourself every now and then ;-)
@EosChater …for free, that is.
@EosChater WordPress is the way to go. No doubt about that. Set up your own at Wordpress.com, or I can host it for you :-)
@biepbiep Is niet zo erg hoor, meissie. Probeer het over een paar weken lekker weer.
@JayDoubleJoe Nope. AS is de Noorse afkorting voor waar men in Nederland NV (of misschien BV) gebruikt.
Dell AS Norge - Their office in… Bratislava?? http://www.gulesider.no/… #Dell #fail
wavded It is true, IE9 does download FF faster than any other IE. Woot :)
Didn’t pass the test. Better luck next time, I guess…
Clear all roads! D minus 5 minutes! http://evert.meulie.net/… #Sarpsborg #warning
I’m gonna take my first stab at getting a driving license today, 1 month shy of my 39th birthday.
@MrWestern Stick to Chrome
joshbroton Please @Yobongo. The #Android army is waiting for you with a larger user base than iOS. We would love to have you.
@gvanlee Jordi of Johan? Ach, wat maakt dat ook eigenlijk uit…? ;-)
Check out the Fap Store — The Brother IntelliFax 2800 App Store http://t.co/TkEinsq via @youtube
@Dutchcowboy Komen die dingen ook met Android? ;-)
Andrew & Austin, because of David http://evert.meulie.net/… #AndrewLloydWebber #AustinPowers @DavidGArnold
google Coding in the clouds: how Chrome to Phone was built during a 12-hour plane flight http://goo.gl/xw7R4
@enigmachine @DavidGArnold the one and only
@EosChater @DavidGArnold Never before noticed the eerie similarities between ALW & Austin Powers
@DavidGArnold If you really want to mess with your followers, try http://s.meulie.net/e203… as profile pic ;-)
@DavidGArnold Nothing wrong with the current one, but perhaps some ppl prefer http://geology.com/world…
@chasevodka Your website looks slightly funky in Chrome. Left menu is missing things? http://twitpic.com/4cpsnb
Microsoft releases a new WP7 update. I guess they haven’t succeeded in bricking all phones yet with the previous ones.
@DavidGArnold You got to make vodka in school?? Cool! :-)
@DavidGArnold In your native country potatos are only used… to shove up tailpipes of cars?
@DavidGArnold Correct.You got to be 20 to consume vodka (probably still not allowed while at school though) info: http://s.meulie.net/fMa5…
@DavidGArnold Was that by choice, or couldn’t you afford the insanely high alcohol prices here? ;-)
I’m in the SE of Norway, in Sarpsborg
@DavidGArnold Oh, likewise! My nonsense is sure to surpass your nonsense every now and then ;-)
@MeredthSalenger Why even consider #Botox?? You have no need for it at all!
@wijkagDuinoord Veel succes! Ik heb morgen ook een examen… rijbewijs! Na bijna 39 jaar zonder ga ik het eindelijk eens wagen met een wagen
levarburton Although not exactly a life altering experience, I found the Umami to be a damned fine Burger. #ihadthehatch
LordStewie To you it’s A.D.H.D.. To me it’s random multitasking.
@EmilieMeli Getting a driver’s license is weird? My thoughts exactly! That’s why I don’t have one yet…
@EmilieMeli Guess what I’ll be doing on friday morning…?
@EmilieMeli Good luck with making that work! :-P
IwannaZen what a day!! love the sun!
@EmilieMeli Mine is easier to carry out ;-)
Still charming though! // RT @JeriLRyan En route (and sleepy…!) http://yfrog.com/h2vwjvrj
LordStewie Your so stupid, that you got fired from the M & M factory for throwing away all the W’s.
engadget Chrome 11 goes beta with speech-to-text capabilities http://engt.co/f7avcS
GeorgeTakei Former SNL star Victoria Jackson thinks Glee is turning boys gay. I think Victoria Jackson is more to blame for that.
@BrentSpiner You’ve had the honor/pleasure of meeting her in person?
ABC #Breaking: RIP Elizabeth Taylor. Just confirmed that the celebrated actress died in the early hours this morning. (via @GMA)
@rockitwithjbird Goodie! :-) Glad to help out @CARE any time! :-)
AltInn fortsatt nede… #fail #feil http://twitpic.com/4cf99e
@boeren Misschien heeft ze een vriendje/vriendinnetje op 6?
@rockitwithjbird I have won several TwitChange auctions. Will I get an email from you for each win? I have done forms for all already…
Mentality problem: our cover-up culture < News Focus | Expatica The Netherlands http://t.co/FEeFdPp via @Expatica
@boeren Misschien smaakt het gewoon beter? ;-)
MrWestern Unknown baby hacked our baby monitor. Guess I have to switch to another channel.
Down came a jumbuck to drink beside the billabong
Up jumped the swagman and seized him with glee
NeelieKroesEU #Mobile sector getting serious about going green. My blog post on new efficiency service here: http://bit.ly/fUVHwf #GSMA
@JayDoubleJoe Je moet je credit card aan @gvanlee geven ;-)
@gvanlee Betaalt @JayDoubleJoe ? Dan zeker geen nee zeggen! ;-)
@gvanlee Bonaire? Klinkt goed! Ik wil die kant ook nog eens op. Nog nooit op de Antillen geweest, maar mijn moeder is er geboren :-)
@Zoomersnu Zijn jullie ‘nieuw’? Kan me geen Zoomers herinneren van mijn meest recente bezoek aan het strand van Castricum…
Not a big fan of these ‘look at me! look at me! is anyone looking at me?’ people…
@axisofawesome Yup, only 180 kms to Norway. A mere walkabout! ;-)
(hope to catch you next time)
Wishes the Axis of Awesome would visit Norway as well #AxisOfAwesome #Norge @axisofawesome
@axisofawesome Too bad you guys aren’t crossing the border and visiting Norway as well
axisofawesome Check us out TV4 in Sweden right now - I can’t pronounce the name of the show but it sure is great!
Alyssa_Milano Sex (and jogging) can cause heart attacks if not done regularly http://lat.ms/gEvOw6 /via @latimesblogs
engadget Google brings check-ins to Google Latitude on iPhone, 30 languages to Places http://engt.co/hmNVYo
All it’s good for is visiting google.com/chrome to get a GOOD browser! #Chrome RT @birgerweb Firefox4! The mojo is back!
@Twiet_Ti Goed idee. Heb ik ook :-)
Enjoy! // RT @MrWestern: Scary tools.. http://yfrog.com/h4jcgpdj
LordStewie Ever wonder if the money in your wallet has ever been in a strippers butt crack? Bet you are now. :)
@altibox Any chance #Altibox will be adding #Dutch channels to their wide variety of TV-kanaler? ;-)
Galaxy Tab: Will 8.9” be large enough..? #Samsung #GalaxyTab
Radiation levels higher in Oslo than in Tokyo http://s.meulie.net/h5ho… #Norge #Norway #Japan #radiation