@levelupstudio 7000000 locations, or so they say. Covers this entire planet. used by http://t.co/rln1dCqo for example
I’m watching The Simpsons (73 others checked-in) http://t.co/IslrM3dE #GetGlueHD #thesimpsons
Researchers Hack Brainwaves to Reveal PINs, Other Personal Data | Threat Level | http://t.co/1KHnD8cg http://t.co/Y45GK9VW
Synology releases DiskStation Manager 4.1 update - Neowin http://t.co/iILvimnl
@levelupstudio Perhaps http://t.co/1p9pHhCN can help out?
TechRepublic Geek Trivia: How many photos exist of Neil Armstrong walking on the moon? http://t.co/A26SLBx7
mashable Xbox Live Announces Games Coming to Windows 8 - http://t.co/AgIuBquk
Russian Govt Set To Launch Tablets That Runs On Android Based RoMos - GSM Insider - Gadgets news from the insider http://t.co/8drwLYtA
RT @NewAndroidApps: New #android #app: the Glass Child http://t.co/PHAjPjCj
Atari Arcade - play the classics! http://t.co/aPNTDXmW
How To Be a Genius: This Is Apple’s Secret Employee Training Manual http://t.co/nLQeHNVL
@ezunix I got a Samsung SmartTV. Handles most of that. But a colleague of mine was wondering… ;-)
@ezunix You have one, or do you base your opinion on specs/reviews?
Who came up with hugs? The very first hug must have been creepy… “What are you doing? Why are you holding me?” “Shhhh, just trust me…”
@BrentSpiner Cool to see… err… hear you on the Simpsons!
Vishwa Bandhu Gupta: Cloud computing is great…but what if it rains? - YouTube http://t.co/RdTOSWBg
RT @PeerIndex: Oracle reportedly knew of critical Java bugs under attack for 4 months: http://t.co/vx4SG0GU
Beer Soap - smells like beer fresh from the tap! http://t.co/QkvoxNjb
@JustAGlassChild Have fun! :-)
@skazita with these? http://t.co/eSljfnwI
If you carry bricks from your past relationship(s) to the new one, you will build the same house.
@zusvanmarie Die heeft vast liever 2050 ipv 1950 :-)
@zusvanmarie En wat is er mis met de jaren ’50? ;-)
music so excellent i just happily paid 5 quid for it @bandcamp: http://t.co/KTFjXlW0 @JustAGlassChild
@H_Combs Patiently awaiting your return :-)
How the new Windows 8 license terms affect you http://t.co/NYVi0CFx
Are you big about #norway-norge? Join @peerindex and help build the community out http://t.co/bDYJWuUN
RT @ShelterBox: #Amsterdam Challenge is this weekend! Check out how much fun teams had last year in this video - http://t.co/sNKmEfPw
@thinkgeek But(t) my hiney is smart all year round!
Exciting day at @Schiphol it seems. First a WWII bomb, and now a possible hijacking! Follow @112Schiphol for details
VLC download… http://t.co/bFIC71dm
@thinkgeek Your site has as title: ‘ThinkGeek :: Stuff for Smart Masses’. Ever considered dropping that ‘M’? ;-)
Why Remote Workers Are More (Yes, More) Engaged http://t.co/iDqfiVjP
If the answer is obvious to you, doesn’t this make you feel… old? ;-)
The History of the Floppy Disk http://t.co/vdwJ2Cpo
Who Is The Person Behind The Generic Silhouette in Microsoft Outlook’s Contacts? - How-To Geek http://t.co/YId6K8OR
@grantimahara Try a monkeytail beard! ;-)
crashplan We made @PCWorld’s list of the 15 Best Free Business Tools, Apps, and Services of 2012 - http://t.co/xvfVeFcT
SkyNewsBreak French president Francois Hollande says use of chemical weapons in Syria would be legitimate reason for military intervention
SteveUmstead I mean, they put silica gel packets in food products, right? Can’t be that bad. Just one little taste. What could hap
SarahDee77 @DohertyShannen directed, @WeAreRadical sang it, @h_Combs is in it, and I’m pretty sure I’m a giant fan of all of them! #NakedInVenice!
Complete MSL Curiosity Descent - Full Quality Enhanced 1080p + Heat Shie…: http://t.co/o03rrIeF via @youtube
The Web Site For Which 1996 Movie Has Remained Online And Untouched? - How-To Geek http://t.co/YdaAl3xu
#RIP Neil Armstrong
For one brief moment in the 60s Armstrong, Aldrin and Collins united & inspired the planet to think of what COULD be!
White trash http://t.co/LcvGaI2u
Thumbs up to I’m just me! …what do you think? http://t.co/XMb2mKNA on @thumb
Did the chicken rip me off? http://t.co/74Gtg5M2
The Best Social Network ever http://t.co/jHW3eWM3
Microsoft: New logo marks ‘new beginning’ for company - GeekWire http://t.co/H9ixl6Yp
Police find robbery loot in forest : Views and News from Norway http://t.co/NmGvohhg
mashable See Mars Curiosity’s Full Descent in HD [VIDEO] http://t.co/rJVjXaZK
Infographic — Do People Really Work When Working from Home? :: TinyHacker http://t.co/643YJY29
The Internet a Decade Later [INFOGRAPHIC] http://t.co/AUzzGOVl
AndroidPolice Facebook Is Making Its Employees Use Android Phones To See Just How Awful Its Mobile App Is http://t.co/5eS3FoNK
After 12: Because Alcohol is Way Better in a Cube - Cheezburger - BETA http://t.co/Ou3VqRYS
Brings back memories :-) http://t.co/4EegsWK9 #GetGlueHD #WhizKids
How to Use Parts of a Broken Cell Phone as Survival Tools [Infographic] http://t.co/JEX5bjj2
@BBC_TopGear Any plans to include a Zündapp Janus in a future Top Gear episode?
All Your Password Hints Are Belong to Us - SpiderLabs Anterior http://t.co/i6HK8RcO
What Was The First Book Sold On http://t.co/PdayuY62? - How-To Geek http://t.co/6cMZ1iIz
Camera shutter speed synchronized with helicopter blade frequency - YouTube http://t.co/40iICzI1
Simulatoren som viser veien til egen bolig - DinSide: http://t.co/PxMcd5nV
.@bufferapp makes it super easy to share interesting links and pictures. Try it at http://t.co/9hIKjhWT
SOTI — Social Networking Distribution http://t.co/bLHwjUKo
Beautiful Redhead Girl, drawn with nothing more than a couple of ballpoint pens! http://t.co/LbMIyObR
A, ‘Stripes’… that was from before ‘Don’t ask, don’t tell’… http://t.co/Zuju6d01
a classic! http://t.co/dXcZCZVt #GetGlueHD #Stripes
RT @ahoogerhuis: Please, don’t tell @thorsheim that Office365 will refuse a password with åøæÅØÆ in it! :D Error says: “Don’t use space, …
@thorsheim Ah, you _are_ from Bergen… My apologies! ;-)
@thorsheim But Bergen _is_ the town where it rains so much, right? Why wouldn’t people go elsewhere instead? #touristinformation
Ripped off by a chicken http://t.co/hhfDHkHc
@thorsheim which leaves us with: ‘Why, oh Why???’
mashable 11 Fascinating Facts About Google Maps http://t.co/ESYiUBUC
@mindofman Make an Android client! :-)
@INSPIRIAsc Well… Earth could exist without the moon, but it wouldn’t be the earth as we know it…
@INSPIRIAsc And its partner: http://t.co/w7JdF8Jq
@INSPIRIAsc Perhaps a nice addition for Logia? http://t.co/Lj3Fu2ZT
Naked photos of partying Prince Harry surface in Las Vegas http://t.co/peS24Fq1
Listening to Complainers Is Bad for Your Brain http://t.co/29RXxIIf
@sarpemor Hmm… #solbyen hasn’t been all that sunny lately… Today is ok though, as far as I can tell from my window @ @INSPIRIAsc
Cracking passwords from the Philips hack - an important lesson [INFOGRAPHIC] http://t.co/agnVGuyN
@sarpemor Can they park one on the top of your house? In your backyard? Anywhere visible from your house? ;-)
@carolinejahr Yup, aim high(er)! Go for… http://t.co/9pT0wh7U and/or http://t.co/Snktoc3d ;-)
@carolinejahr I hope not. 95% of the cases reaching the front of DB/VG with photo is a bad thing…
@carolinejahr Instead of ‘with a towel’ go for ‘wearing a towel’ and I’m sure you’ll make the front on VG & DB.
@carolinejahr Have _you_ ever showered there? Not me… The McDonalds here in town don’t even have showers…
@dhewlett Ah, yes… That’s a yearly ritual here as well, with our cat http://t.co/zvL5zl5h
Tell your boss anything http://t.co/Q3ejQQwv
Winter is coming http://t.co/0cMX0G8r
@mashable Dunno how clean your mouse/keyboard are, but kissing mine would be a health hazard!
How to rescue photo’s made with @instagram http://t.co/r7mfixwb
Indie publisher prints books with disappearing ink | The Verge http://t.co/SD1yKdFd via @verge
@nul77 So KY Jelly is not a suitable desert? Or just not a sweet one? ;-)
How Hollywood Is Encouraging Online Piracy: Scientific American http://t.co/dbVJccZf
@carolinejahr Looks like Oslo Kommune is taking action :-) http://t.co/f2DnY7tJ
One of the few times Norwegian police carries submachine guns is… with a bomb threat… http://t.co/xa5h62Eq
What will the Android version after Jelly Bean be named? Something with K… K-Y® Jelly?
Which Animal Is Frequently Used To Pull Cables In Tight Spaces? - How-To Geek http://t.co/epWOLSWa
threatpost .@Microsoft Warns Users About ChapCrack Tool Availability - http://t.co/lo5A4HUJ
Update Galaxy S3 I9300 to CM10 Android 4.1.1 Nightly Jelly Bean Firmware [How To Install] | Team Android http://t.co/xqtx3zTk
A government is a body of people, usually notably ungoverned.
nineconnections Facebook stock price. The Zuck wealth-o-meter http://t.co/j9xH4V56 #9X #popular via http://t.co/I0l54Pa8
@klout How do I know who this is/was? http://t.co/MJadlOgp
@KLM How about authentic Dutch meals? Are they offered as well?
Which scientist’s notebooks are still too radioactive to handle? http://t.co/LSs2f5Ar
Wishing @crownprincessmm a happy 39th #birthday !
The 1 series both me and my 4-year old enjoy equally much! :-) http://t.co/E6DPHHcv #GetGlueHD #ShaunTheSheep
StgProninos Peru http://t.co/brwhjVxD via @donateadaynet
I’ve missed the Soviet Union being the face of evil. I’m glad Putin is bringing it back.
MorgonFreeman I hate the word homophobia. It’s not a phobia. You are not scared. You are an asshole.
textfiles Nobody’s surprised that oracle is going to wreck and murder MySQL and most people are just going to watch, right? I hope not.
wikileaks “Sweden fails the minimal requirements set by the European Convention of Human Rights for a state governed by law. ” http://t.co/OROTr65G
Nobody can devour a strawberry like @JewelStaite can! #Firefly
@MelissaOnline Apparently getting to 2nd base is also popular, especially with teenage boys!
Scientists Convert a 53,000-Word Book Into DNA http://t.co/chVCdlvC RT @mashable
@PlumeApp Twitter API is changing. What will the consequences be for Plume?
heatherAtaylor The Twitter API as we know it is dead http://t.co/T67V5DxB
@mindofman Android? Please…?
@flightradar24 Dutch coast/space guard http://t.co/eJmKAQZi
Syklist påkjørt på Rokkeveien http://t.co/dQs01QKm
@NissanLEAFÂ What’s best for LEAF battery? Topping it up after short rides, or waiting until charge has dropped below xx% ?
foreignoffice .@WilliamJHague: The UK does not accept the principle of diplomatic asylum.
Whose wise words to live by?
@andersonrdean, @HomerJSimpson, Al Bundy, @DavidGArnold, @donttrythis & @textfiles
You got nothing to worry, thanks to Always Onlineâ„¢ / @CloudFlareSys: http://t.co/cRj3ZOhS is down due to a crash.
@MelissaOnline One very good reason NOT to switch: I host my own WordPress. Support is always a nano-second away ;-)
SkyNewsBreak Foreign Office: Regrettable that Ecuador has taken this decision, best way forward is to seek negotiated settlement
Windows 8 review: Yes, it’s that bad http://t.co/z9UgyfLs
@crashplan When will CrashPlan PRO become available outside USA/Canada/Australia/NZ?
@crashplan nitpicking tip: add a ‘F’ to the temperature mentioned on http://t.co/iRNKooLS . Temps of 70+ scare us Celsius lovers. ;)
Check out Ubuntu One https://t.co/isiEPxAL
RT @larsenmarit: Klokken halv Ã¥tte fremfører @Filharmonien Beethovens niende pÃ¥ RÃ¥dhusplassen. Det er gratis. Og det er sol. #winning #o …
I drove home while enjoying the ‘Everything I’ve got in my pocket’ album by @driverminnie #relaxing
Elendig elbilsalg i Europa: http://t.co/zCP2m1c9 @E24no
Which profession drinks the most coffee? http://t.co/c4HBe4jk
How to program your vodka bottle http://t.co/2obv4Jfc
@JustAGlassChild Count them here: http://t.co/f5zs7zn9 ;-)
@carolinejahr Good that you raised hell about #McDonalds #Norge not serving certain kinds of people!
How to Route All Your Android Traffic Through a Secure Tunnel http://t.co/1pajR7os
I gave @JeriLRyan +K about Food on @klout. http://t.co/50Mikt7p
@H_Combs, your Klout Score is 74 (I’m a 55). Check out your @klout profile today! http://t.co/bMJjwXUg
@SheilaEdrummer, your Klout Score is 71 (I’m a 55). Check out your @klout profile today! http://t.co/v0d3XGJT
Norge bør gjøre som Australia! http://t.co/ru4haFWk
concrete LEGO® http://t.co/iZ23N6Nb
Yeah! / Australian court gives tobacco firms the thumbs down on cigarette pack case http://t.co/F7P5UNbz
RT @carolinejahr: Mac’ern pÃ¥ Grønland serverer ikke Rom. Overhørte to ble nekta burger idag. “Sjefen har sagt at dere ikke kan handle …
Would you pay for an ad-free Twitter (or Facebook)? http://t.co/8RcCMEN0 #cnn
Cool! @philbradley will be speaking at @bobcatsss2013 ! http://t.co/ZGaccnA8
Gaikai Could Turn Android Into Next PS3 Thanks To Sony: http://t.co/IlEJQE2h
Google no longer pushing Google+ results says search chief http://t.co/OInCdkyk
IvonneLipsch Be nice to archivists! http://t.co/kp3F7gKz
loser078 In 10 years, the babies of today will be asking “Why are all my baby photos square format with these awful filters?”
How to Secure SSH with Google Authenticator’s Two-Factor Authentication http://t.co/M1DjwKGm
RT @saDOTno: PÃ¥ tur med lift?: http://t.co/Sf1D8iRT
theforeignerNo Norway’s biggest newspaper VG calls for PM’s resignation
Photobucket breach floods Web with racy images http://t.co/OX1asOfH #cnn
Norway bomb and gun rampage that left 77 people dead could have been avoided, independent report finds. @cnnbrk
engadget ‘Stained glass’ nanotechnology capable of printing up to 100,000 dpi - http://t.co/AbPcu6bf
Dette var den norske forløperen til iPad - Aftenposten: http://t.co/cSps2ynX
@TechRepublic Got your ‘Your opinion is valued’ survey email today. Filled it in, and… #fail http://t.co/vDJr34M0
kevinmitnick Hey @kimdotcom, I’ll teach you how to whistle the nuclear launch codes via 1200 baud modem for the schematics to your doomsday device :-)
Who wants a BackRub? http://t.co/gtehAdSK
Første hurtiglader med overvåking http://t.co/lY3FnPz3 #elbil #Sarpsborg #Forum #McDonalds
Fire Crews Battle Huge Blaze In London http://t.co/piyhrZVh
@williger Then better not switch to Jelly Bean, or you’ll be disappointed once again!
@Weegie_KM Like what? ;-)
@Weegie_KM Would you dare to wear one? ;-)
@geeksaresexy @Weegie_KMÂ Even worse sex-ed: ‘When in doubt, try another hole’ http://t.co/ISZTOcDf
geeksaresexy How NOT to Educate Geeks about Sex http://t.co/kWYpja7l
ChicEngine @adnagampaper @donateadaynet Chic Engine has been donating its profits to breast cancer research for the past 30 days :-)
US begins Agent Orange clean-up - http://t.co/OcWdswgZ
@Dutchcowboy Vuvuzela
Integrity is doing the right thing, even when nobody is watching
May anti-gay people burn to a crisp! This guy is well on the way! http://t.co/b8auRnkR
X-ray reveals drunk Norwegian tourist sleeping on baggage belt at Rome airport http://t.co/NPiyzoVJ
6 Ways to Customize Android iOS Users Can Only Dream About http://t.co/7p1aeKEZ
Eon Extreme by Iain Sinclair http://t.co/faKlSjmq
I just joined @At_The_Pool! Join me and get early access at: http://t.co/56RRcgnp
Who Was The First Recipient Of Texting Slang “OMG!� http://t.co/UFXF0OyY
RT @thorsheim: en 4-sifret PIN pÃ¥ en iPhone 4 eller eldre (ikke S modellen) kan knekkes pÃ¥ <= 40 minutter, med riktig verktøy og kunn …
I gave @donateadaynet +K about Philanthropy on @klout http://t.co/Qzmk9QLq
I gave @alvestrand +K about ICANN because… I can! http://t.co/HlxQla2R #ICANN
It’s Official: Blizzard Hacked, Account Information Stolen - Forbes http://t.co/JbzoKlL9
lLoveCoffee Donate a day of your salary to a good cause, and make a difference. Check out http://t.co/E7ahkjrA and be inspired @donateadaynet
pureEtsy Donate a day of your salary to a good cause, and make a difference. Check out http://t.co/wbabw5Em and be inspired @donateadaynet
I’m watching Stargate SG-1 (10 others checked-in) http://t.co/MGn4B7Sz #GetGlueHD #StargateSG1
textfiles Oh look, a tiny kickstarter I just started: http://t.co/5vzKOA5w
Not sure why I am watching this… http://t.co/GRcfn5nQ #GetGlueHD @NBCOlympics
@bryanadams Relative of yours?
bryanadams Congrats to Nicola Adams on the boxing today…!
NERD FACT: You don’t smell rain. Your sense of smell just works better w/ moisture. GROSS FACT: Same reason farts smell worse in the shower.
@CastricumNL, your Klout Score is 19 (I’m a 47). Check out your @klout profile today! http://t.co/PC9e7x7F
.NET Framework Setup Verification Tool - Verify integrity of installation http://t.co/lKHl3odJ
@edithbosch Perhaps some preventive whacking of people near you will give you rest during the event itself? ;-)
BBC News - Stressed men drawn to heavy women http://t.co/hNQGWfXQ
Was Microsoft’s Empire Built on Stolen Code? We May Never Know http://t.co/yAKXo8di
A very effective Fire Suppression system. Need to get me one of these!