JeriLRyan RT @gallogallo: @JeriLRyan Eureka! Check out Apple’s latest product! I think this will fix all your OS woes…
Munching on a party-size tube of Pringles. Anyone care to join me? ;-)
@twittola Samsung Galaxy S… ;-)
@RealNichelle LOL! :-)
@RealNichelle Why not just use a good old-fashioned food replicator? ;-) #StarTrek
@JillianLaDage Did you by accident put an Apple iPad in the oven? ;-)
JeriLRyan Holy crap!! What a picture… /via @thinkgeek
BBCBreaking Prime Minister David Cameron on Fifa Panorama allegations: says ‘only focus’ is to bring World Cup to Britain
@TwitChange When will us Megapackage auction winners receive the promised screenshots in the email? ;-)
wikileaks DDOS attack now exceeding 10 Gigabits a second.
wikileaks We are currently under another DDOS attack.
@supercurio Good job! :-) Any special procedure to upgrade from pre6?
@bbcfocus Don’t write too much about Android in Focus Magazine, or else Apple will yank your iPad app from their store…
@palmarthinsen We both know that Apple actually are the bad guys, with their censorship and control over their users… #1984
@palmarthinsen nah… The good guys: some Swedes. the bad guys: some other Swedes ;-)
stephenfry According to Channel 4 last night the weather is “sponsored by Lloyds”. We can blame the banks even for the weather.
google The newest version of Google Earth is here, featuring integrated Street View & 3D trees (via @googleearth)
@JeriLRyan Sure you would… Just a matter of dressing warm:… ;-) #furbikini
@JeriLRyan You call that cold? That’s nothing compared to what I have to put up with:… ;-) #cold
@JeriLRyan what is not necessarily an oxymoron?
MacDailyNews - Apple bars Android magazine app from App Store #1984 #censorship
It can get very very slippery in the Netherlands… -… - via @thijsvanexel @AnneliesvNispen #accidents #slippery
Today’s Big Rumor: Google Buys Groupon for $2.5 Billion -…
@alvestrand you planned to be on… Hawaii instead? ;)
BasBNCP US Government is just about to find out what it feels like to go through a nudie-scanner. #cablegate
BBCBreaking Wikileaks documents include reports of Arab states urging the US to attack Iran. Read the latest here:
mashable WikiLeaks Hit By DDoS Attack as New Leak Hits Early -
Santa just ordered a spanking-new Iphone 4 at the Apple store online. #fail
is really lucky with a 2.5 year old who never wakes up before 9am on weekends.
mashable Homeland Security Seizes 70+ Websites for Copyright and Trademark Violations -
markcoatsworth @Microsoft @IE There are not enough four-letter words for how I feel about you after pulling IE from @spoonapps. #microsoft #fail
Tordf #funny #dev | If programming languages were religions…
Santa at Storbyen is younger than I am… #fail
I just unlocked the “Super Mayor” badge on @foursquare!
I just became the mayor of Mcdonalds on @foursquare!
Time to head outdoors with junior and check out the various season-related activities in town. We’ll dress warm! #cold
wereldomroep Goed voorbereid als ouders zorg nodig hebben: Als je voor een nieuw leven naar het buitenland vertrekt, ri……
LoesjeNL **winterkleren zes bollen wol en een oma graag** #sneeuw #winter #koud
back on my feet again, thanks to well-wishings from ppl like @jerilryan, @realnichelle & @ramonahz! If only it wasn’t -10C/10F outside…
getting really tired of puking out every single piece of food I’ve eaten in the last 48 hours, and always within 1 hour after consumption…
RT @HDonoho: Major security at the airport today. But nobody wanted to see me nekkid or feel me up. Kinda insulted. #whatevs
‘Tis the season to beam warm wishes into space! Send a holiday card to @NASA’s ISS:… @realnichelle @jerilryan
bbcfocus Send a Christmas postcard to @NASA’s Expedition 25 and 26 crews
avalistweets Ontdek de geschiedenis van Castricum met Avalis InfoTours: Maak op bijzondere manier kennis met het verleden met…
Minor differences. part1:… part2:…
Recommending Twitlonger to @driverminnie so that the 140 chars. limit doesn’t stop her from posting recipes…
RT @mashable: iOS 4.3 and Murdoch’s “The Daily†to Launch in December [REPORT] -
Heading to another check up. Let’s hope the 2 specialists I’ll meet today agree with each other… ;-) #Lasik #Memira
bridgeurl Developers please note - BridgeURL API is now available for integration with your apps:
BBCBreaking Next year’s #royalwedding between Prince William and Kate Middleton will take place at Westminster Abbey on Friday 29th April
SamirAllioui Airport X-ray scanner is just as likely to kill you as a terrorist bomb
mashable Your Guide to the New iOS 4.2 for iPad and iPhone:
I can really recommend #Android devices, especially to users like @JeriLRyan who doesn’t seem all too happy with @apple right now ;-)
JeriLRyan Are you freakin’ kidding me?!? Now all my apps are gone! @apple , now you’ve pissed me off…
JeriLRyan And that’s after almost 2 1/2 hours! Pretty sure if you’re on a PC rather than a Mac, this is Apple’s way of saying they hate you.
JeriLRyan “Dear Santa, I please want a baby & toys & presents & presents. I like presents.” Except 4 the toys part my husband could’ve written it! ;-)
spoonapps Try our newest feature: Add apps to your own sites with Spoon Feed. Just paste the embed code into your site/blog:
@ardrone International Space Station (ISS) ? :-)
mashable Foursquare Boasts 4.5 Million Users, Opens West Coast Office -
mashable Google Docs Now Syncs With Microsoft Office -
@gautebr My sources say 1900 local Swedish time ;-)
mashable iOS 4.2 Now Available, Brings Multitasking to iPad -
Tordf funny #dev | How to deal with users
Android, WinPho7, iPhone4… What Grills Faster?…
HOW TO: Use Social Media to Enhance Your Event…
HTML5 Project Brings Tablet Reading Experience to Any Browser
abolishcancer Take the time today to give a Shout Out of love & support to someone you care about. “Life is short….Hug Hard!”
@Simple_Talk A spammer with a real email address? That should not be allowed…! ;-) #LOL (Thanks for the info. I am signed in now :-) )
axisofawesome After watching Harry potter 7 Benny turns to Lee and Jordan and says “I believe I have neglected to see the sixth film”
Watching/enjoying Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (1989)…
mashable 9 Notable Tech Flops That Live in Infamy -
@AnyDree Ziet er goed uit! :-)
@AnyDree Laat eens zien?
Baking cookies
@Tijnio Android! :-)
JeriLRyan Awesome. A contest to design the worst logo of all time: /via @woodlandalyssa @supersallyryan
JeriLRyan Go get ‘em! RT @ChristianKane01: Yay!!!!!Preorders 4 Kane album dec 7th available NOW!! It’s finally happnin.So excited.
I just became the mayor of Peppes Pizza - Sarpsborg on @foursquare!
I just became the mayor of Shopping mall, Sarpsborg on @foursquare!
jvsman Here comes the weekend — have a great one all!!
Must be a store down under:…
@AnyDree Bezoek me maar in mijn dromen… Straalbezopen! :-P
Bed time for me… Kill cancer!
@AnyDree Behalve die keer dat ik en mijn tegenligger zonder licht fietsen… ;-)
@JosK Heel weinig over van voor 2001, helaas ja… Kan me @anydree ook niet dronken herinneren. Zou het best willen meemaken ;-)
@AnyDree Oh, dat zegt niets. Ik kon altijd prima door de polders fietsen, zelfs not-quite-sober ;-)
@JosK @anydree Helaas een HD crash gehad zo’n 10 jaar geleden, dus kan het tegendeel niet bewijzen. Doelde trouwens op @AnyDree ;-)
@JeriLRyan Shall I go dump an extra smelly steamer in the nearest one? ;-)
abolishcancer To learn more about our dynamic team of @JeriLRyan and @BePositiveFdn , read their stories here
JeriLRyan Oh, hey - almost forgot! Happy World Toilet Day! o_O
Um…yeah, never mind.
‘Mobile internet is bad for trees’…
Fight cancer! @BePositiveFdn , besides following @abolishcancer your good cause made me whip out my CC as well and donate some more :-)
abolishcancer So far 875 new followers today which =$875 to fight cancer with @BePositiveFdn. Our goal is $3,000..Let’s DO IT!
ihateryanair New blog post: Ryanair service so bad even Hitler won’t fly them
JeriLRyan Pls help & RT like crazy! For every new follower today of @abolishcancer, $1 is donated to @BePositiveFdn to help fight childhood cancer!
Foursquare, Gowalla, SCVNGR or Waze? -… @gowalla @foursquare @scvngr @waze
RT @mashable: Twitter Helps You Find More Friends With a New “People†Tab -
@jimmy_wales Is he under house arrest because you had lunch with him…? ;-)
LoesjeNL **NAVO bouw uw tanks om tot bibliobus** #goedemorgen
the Forecast for the coming 48 hours for me is… cold!…
@JeriLRyan You’re welcome!
Although… I do feel sorry for the blue cow that got slaughtered to make that awful jacket… :-P
thinkgeek New from IKEA, the flat-pack @CERN Hadronn Cjolidder: Does require infinite protons, though.
mashable You Can Now Log in to MySpace with Facebook -
supercurio The standard user xperience on Galaxy S stock fresh Eclair compared to Froyo is so smoother it makes me sad seeing how much it regressed.
ALA_TechSource What Google knows about you and how to tweak it
@biepbiep Ah… :-)
Die van mij is nog te jong voor HP, denk ik…
@biepbiep Dat weet je nu al?? Oh, wacht… Valentijn is knul, niet 14 Feb.? ;-)
@biepbiep Pizza afhalen, en lekker stiekem tijdens de film naar binnen werken! ;-)
World’s Smallest Political Quiz -… - says I am… #Libertarian
From Commoner to Royalty: The Women Who Did It…
SX_DOT_Tweet Know the Twitter Rules at http://support.twitter.c…
TU Delft: Bomen hebben last van internet -…
Apple to Launch iAd in Europe in December…
jimmy_wales This article has 128 references: Toilet paper orientation
World’s bravest cat -… #cat #alligator
@biepbiep Misschien om iets te twitteren via hun waterdichte iPhone? :-P
Facebook and MySpace to Make Joint Announcement on Thursday…
HDonoho Canada is so pretty.
@JeriLRyan On you’ll find a 24/7/365 Xmas station! ;-)
RT @mashable: BREAKING: Twitter’s Official Analytics Product Has Arrived -
Gist Move Beyond a Business Card. Claim your name and build your #Gist Public Profile at
CaliLewis Haha! RT @johnpoz: The sole purpose of a child’s middle name is so he can tell when he is really in trouble. (via @klobetime)
mashable “5 Design Trends That Small Businesses Can Use in 2011” - by @film_girl
MythBusters “You guys certainly make (science) fun. I love your show.” — Al Gore
@bbcfocus How about an android app? :-)
Canned Unicorn Meat -…
Rare ST:TNG photos:… @realnichelle @jerilryan #StarTrek
LaterBro lets you to schedule recurring Twitter/Facebook posts, allowing you to be online, even when you’re not…
supercurio I received my official iPhone headset (really terrible sound, makes me sad thinking so many ppl use it). And yes, they don’t work on I9000
@gogoJERSON You already told me this… Or is this an automated bot? Which tweet of me triggered it…?
@Simple_Talk I am unable to join at http://www.simple-talk.c… . Clicking ‘join’ gives me a runtime error…
USRealityCheck U.S. to ban alcohol drinks with caffeine: lawmaker
the Stavanger flight which was supposed to land at Rygge airport 45 minutes ago is still circling over our house… #Norwegian #fog
spoonapps RT @sourceforge: SourceForge & @spoonapps = more exposure for open source projects. WOOT! < Big news, please RT!
stephenfry So Prince William’s finally available in the iTunes store and Paul McCartney is at last getting married.
Pleasantly surprised when I found a signed photo of @RealNichelle in my snail mail box today! Thanks, Nichelle! :-)
JeriLRyan So am I the only one who’s underwhelmed by the iTunes/Beatles news…?
Juice to Booze kit -…
Comic: How a web browser works…
Spiceworks down?… & http://community.spicewo… do not answer… @spiceworks
@Cyclometh get one of these:… :-)
Check out “Love Is…” strip - Daily Strip Android App - http://imgsrv.gocomics.c…
mashable The New Facebook Messages: A Walkthrough [SCREENSHOTS] -
RT @mashable: Facebook Announces New Messaging System: “It’s Not E-mail†-
Gist 5 Tips for Preparing Workers for Social Media via @infoBOOM
stephenfry All wrapped and on my way home. Did a food scene so I’m disgustingly full. Going out to dinner tonight too. D’oh.
Cyclometh Missed the train. Lucky for me there’s another one! Why do so many people hate mass transit? You’re dumb asses if you do.
Web Designers vs Web Developers…
Exorcists wanted: apply to Catholic Church…
How long before a whole life on Facebook is a reality?…
With a 50 Friends Limit, Path Is the Opposite of Twitter -…
JeriLRyan Some cool for your Sunday: awesome pics of someone holding an exploding water ballon
Fathers’ Day! :-)
When I see my own breath when breathing out, does that mean my bed room is a tad on the cool side? ;-)
Watch “Wonen aan het water in Limburg, het kan!” on YouTube -…
Add me on @Kik: meulie
@BasBNCP de Nadorpjes? ;-)
HDonoho Friday night lights. BMX style. I used to have a life. I did. I swear.
CaliLewis Here’s an app that will give you a little geeky help for all your gift lists.…
Sony Releases New Stupid Piece Of Sh*t That Doesn’t F*cking Work…
RT @HDonoho: Sunday is the Day of the Child. There are 59,000 orphan/foster kids in L.A. alone. Always consider adoption. You could save …
mashable Would You Pay $200,000 for an Original Apple Computer? -
Exclusive: Samsung ‘flagship’ phone with Gingerbread and huge display coming in early 2011 (update) via @engadget
Syfy I’m giving away a #Battlestar series BluRay set to someone who retweets this note by 5pmPT on 11/12
@gogoJERSON Already a member :-)
Not feeling 100%, so i’m off to bed…
@AnneliesvNispen Krijgen die archive cops ook pepperspray en een taser? ;-)
@AnyDree Plaats genoeg hier! :-)
En er staat verderop in de straat nog iets te koop, denk ik…
@AnyDree Hoop voor je dat die op tijd gaat…
Hier is het zo goed als windstil, maar wel -5C….
Het is maar waar je van houdt… ;-)
@AnyDree was maar een uurtje hoor. Ben nu weer helemaal wakker.
Lekker windje bij jullie vandaag?
NeelieKroesEU “We must ensure that #copyright serves as a building block, not a stumbling block”…
@AnyDree Nee hoor, in dezelfde als jij. Heb een dagje vrij, en junior was naar bed, dus ging ik ook effe snurken… :-)
nap time :-)
wereldomroep Sint Maarten kondigt traditioneel de winter aan: Het doet denken aan Halloween: gewapend met een lampion e……
Just installed the spanking new Cali Lewis Android app. Doesn’t want to play any video’s on my Android 2.2 Galaxy S. @CaliLewis
@CaliLewis Something hinky. None of the videos play on my android 2.2 Galaxy S phone… :’(
@CaliLewis Got an Android. Ok, so the app from Wizzard Media is the real/official one? Thanks, I’ll check it out! :-)
@CaliLewis Not a free app? :’(
Got the day off. Spending it at home with Jacob. (@ Home, sweet home)
Watching Leverage. @JeriLRyan is almost as hot as @bethjriesgraf ;-)
KHtweets Koningin bij Prins Claus Concert 2010, hierin o.a. een compositie geschreven op teksten van Prins Claus.
@twittola Galaxy S has Gorilla-glass. Perfect for ape descendant like us!
@twittola You do know it didn’t even have the ‘Ø’ on its keyboard? ;-)
Galaxy S is the way to go :-)
@peinzer Yup. Currently not sure (anymore) whether or not to recommend it to anyone…
Had another eye check. No answers, just 2 new appointments. Noticeable decrease of light in left eye. #worried #Memira
I just became the mayor of Memira Fredrikstad on @foursquare!
@AnyDree Kunnen we dat ergens op Youtube terug vinden? ;-)
Mystery Missile Launch Seen off Calif. Coast…
My guess: #Mythbusters !
@mythbusters @donttrythis
RT @mashable: “Angry Birds†For Android Gets a Massive Update -
With #Bridgeurl it’s easy for me to mention our 4 site URL’s with just 1 link:…
One URL to rule them all, One URL to find them,
One URL to bring them all and in the darkness bind them: @bridgeurl
@Chiron723 @JeriLRyan I’m glad it’s not my Prius… I’d need a flame thrower to get rid of that much ice…!
@speedymichel Nederlands spreken we allemaal hier in #Noorwegen ;-)
@speedymichel Dat is in Versoix, Zwitserland

I did a little Googling and that comes from Versoix, Switzerland:… (@meulie)

It could be even worse. Extremely frozen car… ;-) @jerilryan