Evert Meulie (@meulie)

Sarpsborg, Norway

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @meulie, between Mar 7th, 2007 & June 12th, 2023 (this is when Elon Musk turned off the API this archive depended on ヽ༼ ಠ益ಠ ༽ノ ).

May 2021

@politietost Helikopteret forstår jeg… Men hvordan finner hunder en stjålet båt? ????

via Twitter for Android in reply to politietost

@JewelStaite How come @dhewlett was Canadian in Atlantis, but you weren’t?!????

via Twitter Web App

politietost ; en alvorlig tildragelse på Stortorvet. Ungdommer går imot politiet og utøver vold mot pol..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…yO

via Twitter Web App (retweeted on 8:53 PM, May 17th, 2021 via <a href="http://twitter.com/download/android" rel="nofollow">Twitter for Android</a>)

@NinjaKitchenUK Hi, what is the model number for the Dual zone air fryer rack accessory?


via Twitter for Android

@googlemaps Why do i get hairdressers when I search for a street in the Netherlands?
(I do not have Czech se..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…X9

via Twitter for Android

@SamsungNorge Where can I find BIOS updates for the NP940X3G-K01SE ?

via Twitter for Android