PolitiOstfldOPS trafikkuhell ikke funnet. Formentlig ordnet seg av seg selv….
30+ “Pics Or It Didn’t Happen” Moments When People Had Images To Prove Their Impossible Stories s.meulie.net/2lrB5a2
Apple apologizes for slowing down iPhones, offers cheaper battery replacement s.meulie.net/2pW42zU

Apple’s Lisa Operating System To Be Released For Free As Open Source In 2018 s.meulie.net/2E7nvRc pic.twitter.com/CTwfM48MOG
IQ decline and Piaget: Does the rot start at the top? s.meulie.net/2DXyRHc
Fight the filter: Snapchat selfies distort users’ self-image s.meulie.net/2lib5Nt
11 Absurdly Offensive Vintage Ads That Would Never Fly Today s.meulie.net/2CbfE4n
We’re so close to that… And it scares the feces out of me! ??s.meulie.net/2le584fvon
10 Hilarious Comics Show What Not To Say During Job Interviews s.meulie.net/2l2z6sD
Edmonton man keeps unopened Christmas gift from girl who dumped him 47 years ago s.meulie.net/2C2VtWf
s8n I keep getting christmas lists from dyslexic kids
Consumption of sugary drinks linked to obesity s.meulie.net/2l2V7GU

#Festivus - for the rest of us pic.twitter.com/VzAjjCaZSN
Bitcoin price latest: Cryptocurrency value plummets by 15% after futures trading launches s.meulie.net/2BOnbFT
Ubuntu 17.10 PULLED: Linux OS knackers laptop BIOSes, Intel kernel driver blamed s.meulie.net/2DsySCD

Educating the (m)asses today
#science #astronomy #flatulence pic.twitter.com/0lAmExDA1x
Google cuts into Amazon’s share of the smart speaker market s.meulie.net/2BngQUV
Demanding that galleries get rid of ‘offensive’ works is censorship of the worst kind s.meulie.net/2BEnMdy
Android trojan has miner so aggressive it can bork your battery s.meulie.net/2oZswI3
New Facebook algorithm update attempts to quell “engagement bait” posts s.meulie.net/2oU1y4h
Employee used crisp packet as ‘Faraday cage’ to hide his whereabouts during work s.meulie.net/2oJPBy9
Cryptocurrencies with market cap of more than $1 billion s.meulie.net/2oMjUnO
RLOppenheimer Dit is dus de cartoon die Erdogan van Twitter wil laten verdwijnen. Is het heel erg flauw als ik nu dus een oproep..twitter.com/i/web/status/9…21

The 2017 Christmas List of Best STEM Toys for kids s.meulie.net/2ovLvJW pic.twitter.com/9RvrkyUESz
John Cleese - “To Norway, home of giants” s.meulie.net/2B034aC
Facebook confesses: Facebook is bad for you s.meulie.net/2BwYLDf
Modern life is lonely. We all need someone to help s.meulie.net/2Bw5m0D
Play the Forgotten Arcade Games of the Soviet Union s.meulie.net/2ol0E0D
Facebook adds a Snooze button for muting people, groups and Pages for 30 days s.meulie.net/2BuEONu

Why Do All Zippers Have the Letters YKK on Them? s.meulie.net/2Avcx5A pic.twitter.com/vPJptiM1d9
Tidal may only have enough cash left to last six months s.meulie.net/2o9PICN
Test to find out where you fit on the ‘selfitis’ scale s.meulie.net/2BtdJu3
Sir David Attenborough: “The Earth’s sixth mass extinction event is close ” s.meulie.net/2AnHb0H
Nasa finds solar system filled with as many planets as our own s.meulie.net/2CkwoFZ
The FCC has voted to kill net neutrality s.meulie.net/2Bq8qLI
rwmead With the possibility of 20th Century Fox being sold to Disney, let me be one of the first to point out the Simpsons..twitter.com/i/web/status/9…aw
Walt Disney buys Murdoch’s Fox for $52bn - s.meulie.net/2CgNtAu

The Facebook Pixel: What It Is and How to Use It s.meulie.net/2CgbHeo pic.twitter.com/AtcSeAvELJ

Internet protocols are changing s.meulie.net/2C81rES pic.twitter.com/Esm3w2SNBN
24 Times People Were So Lazy To Decorate For Christmas, They Came Up With The Most Genius Ideas s.meulie.net/2Ah0J73
Millionaire sells £10.50 raffle tickets for his mansion - complete with Rolls-Royce, golf green and wine cellar s.meulie.net/2AQYtV0
North Korea may be making a fortune from bitcoin mania s.meulie.net/2nUx7dV
OnePlus 5(T) can’t stream HD content from Netflix, Amazon Prime Video s.meulie.net/2Baytq2
1.4 Billion Clear Text Credentials Discovered in a Single Database s.meulie.net/2l2Cnek

Windows 10 wishlist: Five gripes Microsoft needs to take seriously s.meulie.net/2BakC30 pic.twitter.com/hsQlsIcsxk
Samaritans volunteers set to listen for a hundred thousand hours this Christmas s.meulie.net/2B7xW7U
@realDonaldTrump “Space Policy Directive 1”? I guess it’s because “Prime Directive” was already taken? ????
“Prime Directive” sounds so much cooler!
President Trump Is Sending NASA Back To The Moon s.meulie.net/2B5eQiQ
@anniemgyoung Love your website! annie-young.com looks excellent :)
Saudi Arabia to lift 35-year ban on cinemas s.meulie.net/2BEftkC

Hidden keylogger found on HP laptops s.meulie.net/2nQrGN1 pic.twitter.com/cSUpXKlPNV
The Limits of Friendship s.meulie.net/2Bqs5vt
Singer Chris Rea collapses on stage - s.meulie.net/2ARiYD0
An asteroid big enough to destroy New York just missed Earth and even NASA didn’t notice s.meulie.net/2kN31Yo
Earth’s eerie hum captured in the ocean for the first time s.meulie.net/2BkGaux
The Bitcoin Whales: 1,000 People Who Own 40% of the Market s.meulie.net/2kGgfX6
Tech companies are paying models $200 per hour for holiday parties s.meulie.net/2AJ8zJM
The 20 most valuable books you might have at home s.meulie.net/2kFhPbT

Bitcoin: $64m in cryptocurrency stolen in ‘sophisticated’ hack, exchange says s.meulie.net/2BYeWHl pic.twitter.com/SWpV0qRj4m
Microsoft emergency update: Malware Engine needs, erm, malware protection s.meulie.net/2BgomAu
Remember the #Bitcoin reaching $12,000? That was yesterday. Right now it soared past $15,000! s.meulie.net/2kwvYYI
Bitcoin users are gunning for the exclusive ’21 million club’ — but membership is getting pricey s.meulie.net/2B5GYU5g
Gomer is a soft robot that can bother your cat s.meulie.net/2zShDsf
Privacy: Popular ai.type keyboard leaks personal details of 31 million users s.meulie.net/2BNSfFB
@NichelleIsUhura Have a great birthday/party. I won’t be able to attend, unfortunately…
How to spot hidden cameras in Airbnb (and other) rental properties s.meulie.net/2BM51UU
How Messenger Kids takes more from families than it gives them s.meulie.net/2AS4kMp
Irish villagers claim #Viagra factory fumes have arousing effect on locals s.meulie.net/2AUvphM
Ethereum is jamming up because of a game for buying virtual cats s.meulie.net/2AOz6pc
RTVEBalears Les millors fotos de la #nevada. #mallorca #serradetramuntana @ElTiempo_tve @AEMET_Baleares @AEMET_Esp..twitter.com/i/web/status/9…JQ
@PietSahat @eToro You still have that one? I’ve also bought some at lower rates, but those I sold years ago…
Elon Musk, ever the merry prankster, plans to launch a Tesla to Mars on a SpaceX rocket s.meulie.net/2AD2Ghz
elonmusk Falcon Heavy to launch next month from Apollo 11 pad at the Cape. Will have double thrust of next largest rocket. G..twitter.com/i/web/status/9…EG
Apple iOS 11 security ‘downgrade’ decried as ‘horror show’ s.meulie.net/2iBLVw9
Date Bug in iOS 11.1.2 Causing Crash Loop on iPhones as December 2 Hits s.meulie.net/2ABrt5s
Hey girl, what’s that behind your Windows task bar? Looks like a hidden crypto-miner… s.meulie.net/2iyaI4n
Bitcoin Google searches exceed Trump for the first time s.meulie.net/2AxJdi4
Flat Earth Society tells Elon Musk that Mars is round s.meulie.net/2ivV60W

donateadaynet a day’s salary has been donated to @FarmAnimalSanct
#donateaday pic.twitter.com/XujxBf35PK
Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies being monitored by White House s.meulie.net/2iseFaG