Going to watch Star Trek: Of Gods and Men ( http://www.imdb.com/rg/s… ) tonight with Nichelle Nichols as Captain Uhura!
thinkgeek I fixed you lunch… but then I made a neat-o timelapse video of it rotting: http://j.mp/dj0FpY
@JeriLRyan Still awake, or already awake? ;-) Your insomnia is nice for us Europeans who otherwise hardly see you awake when we are. :-)
@spoonapps Looks like ClamAV has resolved the issue. I no longer get any warnings when starting any SpoonApps :-)
When I was young there were skillful (& cute!) drummers like @sheilaedrummer . All today’s youth has is www.drumbutton.com …
@RealNichelle: Good plan! Will it perhaps be a joint venture with @zoesaldana ?