Rule number one: You’ve got to be seen to get noticed.
What Android Data is Backed Up Automatically?
European lawmakers leave “green fairy” out of absinthe via @reuters
Philbradley 20 alternatives to Google Reader Traditional, news curation, tablet based; I’ve gathered a good selection to try.
mollywood Really, though. They’re shutting DOWN Google Reader? Like how hard is Google Reader to maintain? Compared to moon trips and autonomous cars?
Google: Keep Google Reader Running via @change
Alfred Nobel Established the Nobel Prize After What?
Dropbox 2.0 Adds New Notifications Menu, Allows Easy Sharing and Activity Monitoring
@Sanniiie And for them. Putting up for 8 hours straight with me isn’t easy on some people <evil grin>
@Sanniiie Ah… I can say ‘Aloha!’ to my colleagues at 16:00 already :)
@Sanniiie I wish I was there… Shower/Breakfast was >1 hour ago for me…
Ik vraag me af of Paus Franciscus al aan het oefenen is? #BedanktVoorDeBloemen
@Sanniiie Always a good idea! ;)