Hilarious Christian College Newspaper Op-Ed Calls Yoga “Demonic” s.meulie.net/1l3vGki
@Amy_Davidson Did you know #Yoga is #demonic? ;-) http://t.co/MVhy01k2aP
EA Games website hacked to steal Apple IDs s.meulie.net/1l3tJo1
Bit rot: The Internet never forgets, or does it? s.meulie.net/1gP1Okx
RT @NeelieKroesEU: Fantastic! 1st successful European Citizens Initiative petition @right2water
Results and #EU action here
Introducing The Periodic Table of Content Marketing s.meulie.net/1gOr1M9
China’s Yellow River bombed to break ice s.meulie.net/1gOsyle
What Was Once Considered Cruel And Unusual Punishment To Feed Inmates? s.meulie.net/1l2G5ge
Microsoft OneNote is Now Available for Free s.meulie.net/1gNVHNp