Obese Americans now outnumber those who are merely overweight, study says s.meulie.net/1Lzqlel
Google launches free music streaming ahead of Apple Music debut s.meulie.net/1ByXEhl
Microsoft’s site dedicated to fighting US surveillance got hacked s.meulie.net/1K8xAv9
Moss Havn, 12 month time-lapse
James Horner Dead: ‘Titanic’ Composer Killed in Plane Crash s.meulie.net/1TLmzV8
Footage of Norway’s/the world’s(?) most dangerous roadwas.meulie.net/1K9jkDLCc
Hubspot - Is Your Coworker Actually an A-hole? s.meulie.net/1SFTKI8
The OnePlus Two Warmly Embraces USB-Type C s.meulie.net/1K7L2zc
Urthecast video cameras to circle globe s.meulie.net/1SFcG9Q