23andMe is finally allowed to tell you if you have the genes for Parkinsons s.meulie.net/2oJlaqs
Norway to spend $315M on world’s first ship tunnel s.meulie.net/2oI7Kv4
9th grade student “Cress + WiFi” experiment attracts international attention s.meulie.net/2oIg2Dd
This man makes amazing surreal animations from famous artwork s.meulie.net/2nfFrnG
South China Sea: Duterte orders Philippines military to occupy islands s.meulie.net/2p4S4OO
@aplusk Is the @Pebble watch you wear in Two and a half men your own, or something the series provided?
Microsoft finally reveals what data Windows 10 really collects s.meulie.net/2ndUiz5