@VTSost Hvorfor det? Har konserten flyttet seg til rv 4?
@VTSost Hvordan hjelper det? ?
@AmazonHelp The only way the bank, @dnb_hjelp , can help is by blocking/cancelling my card… ?
@AmazonHelp I’ve been chatting with customer support for almost 1.5 hours by now and am making no progress whatsoev..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…Yn
@AmazonHelp My legit account is on .com & co.uk.
I have no idea on which site the account is tha..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…Pg
@AmazonHelp Somehow my credit card got associated with an account not owned by me. How do I get this fixed without..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…Ws
@VTSost Ja, det er med 2 M-er… ?
Og jeg spår totalt kaos ?