RT @Valebrokk: Til vakkert vintervær pÃ¥ Rikshospitalet sovnet KÃ¥re Valebrokk, vÃ¥r kjære ektemann, pappa og bestefar, stille inn klokken …
Chinese New Year 2013 rings in the Year of the Snake http://t.co/NPpho8Pb
What Happened with LEGO? http://t.co/Ob0NqV0I
How to Access Files From SD Cards and USB Drives in Modern Windows 8 Apps http://t.co/2xZUN1WY
Apparent issue with Facebook Connect was dragging people from around the web to a moot error page http://t.co/SduBXdn2
DavidGArnold Radios are surprised radi’s
RT @dagwhstang: Det mÃ¥ jobbes med det norske lovverket og hjertelaget. Vi er simple, omgitt av simple og smÃ¥lige mennesker… http://t.c …
@pidgeonwriter Embrace it instead! That’s what we do over here in Norway!
@jonathansfrakes How about us people in Norway? We have snow too! ;-)
RT @dagwhstang: @meulie jeg opplever at ikke at vi har blitt bedre i Norge på den stunden. Dessverre
@dagwhstang I couldn’t agree more! (with you, that is!)
@dagwhstang 2010… It’s 2013 by now. Even narrow-minded Americans change their minds over the years…