$99 is a very nice price for the upcoming iPhone 5C
“We don’t cut corners, we smooth edges”
iPhone 5c Leaked Promo s.meulie.net/1b1tlkW
Another gator record broken in Mississippi - this time at 741-pounds it’s the states heaviest and longest s.meulie.net/1dYtAhY
3DMark benchmarking app arrives on iOS, allows cross-platform comparisons s.meulie.net/17U6W1G
Wired: What Does the Fox Say? The Viral Music Video Isn’t Totally Wrong s.meulie.net/15OrEX1
RealClearScience - Are You a Super-Dad? You May Have Small Balls s.meulie.net/15NXIud
The Quietest Place On Earth Is Located Where? s.meulie.net/1dXjbDd
Announcing the Visual Studio 2013 Release Candidate