@JeriLRyan How’s http://t.co/BW2khcc for daily cute? #hedgehog
#inappropriatefuneralsongs Monty Python - Always look on the bright side of life #montypython
Bank Norwegian is having some major security issues… #fail #banknorwegian http://t.co/8ORgN2K
@palmarthinsen That’s the problem. It is indeed a small world/planet with >6940000000 people on it…
@palmarthinsen That makes my son a relative of you! ;-)
Consecotaleophobia: Fear of chopsticks
@JeriLRyan How’s http://t.co/BW2khcc for daily cute? #hedgehog
@stephenstohn How about a RT of http://t.co/9XYhBfP ? This month they support Canada :-)
What happens after your final status update? #cnn http://t.co/wRZ48kN