@palmarthinsen Well, the LEAF I can afford, and I hope to have one soon. Perhaps as early as next week! :-)
@palmarthinsen so does a Hummer, but neither is affordable to me… ;-)
@palmarthinsen The Nissan LEAF is a bit more affordable :-)
Watching ‘Planet Terror’: Blood and gore with @rosemcgowan
@boekgirl goed doel: http://t.co/YUe8bzAA repareren. doet het niet :-P
@googlemaps What is causing the interesting colors here? http://t.co/tniMHkce
Helicopter view of your driving directions on @googlemaps http://t.co/pD0ubstb
Facebook Users Beware: Facebook’s New Feature Could Embarrass You http://t.co/4J7GrhfS #Facebook #privacy