I gave @JeriLRyan +K about Television on @klout http://t.co/FrbliB2q
@palmarthinsen You made me rush over and recheck, but nope… 40… :-(
@palmarthinsen 50?? Not bad! I used to be that high before the big ‘recalculation’…
A classic, based on many other classics! ;-) http://t.co/JLjooZDP @GetGlue #MarsAttacks
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SkyNewsBreak AFP: Red Cresent says 17 aid trucks have been looted in quake-hit area of Turkey
Check out MapsGL in Google Chrome. High wow!-factor: http://t.co/A4bcD6NW @googlemaps
Coroner: Amy Winehouse died as unintended consequence of drinking too much alcohol
Where Windows Phone Still Falls Short http://t.co/9KVB0P3K via @windowsitpro
@hegnil PS: 32’ = 32 feet (almost 10 meters!). 32” = 32 inch ;-)
@hegnil You’re welcome :-)
@hegnil Check out http://t.co/iKjZ4FJL Full HD for an affordable price :-)
@hegnil What size do you have in mind?
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