@JeriLRyan Been at a typographic Zoo yet? http://t.co/G30hktF4 (best with flash)
Sharks make Aussie golf course lake a real hazard http://t.co/eZk0X4Ki #jaws #golf
According to @klout, I’m influential to @JeriLRyan, @stephenstohn, @heatherAtaylor, and @BoswachterNHD http://t.co/wwGY7rQt
Nice! Bluestacks lets you run all your Android apps on your PC! With phone->PC app sync. Cool! @bluestacksinc
Why the Black Death was the mother of all plagues http://t.co/2OmxJTuJ #DNA #genome
amaeryllis AMAZING: Caption-writer goes rogue. Click through before they’re taken down: http://t.co/QWpKK7YZ
RT @Kampanje: Stabburet henter «the soup nazi» fra Seinfeld til Oslo http://t.co/F4xz3o2e
Error 3200: iOS 5 Upgrade Attempts Thrash Apple Servers http://t.co/eVdj1zs5 #iOS5
iRajanand /* For Dennis Ritchie */
#include <stdio.h>
void main ( )
printf(“Good bye World \n”);
printf(“RIP Denis Ritchie”);
@textfiles That’s a mighty fast CD-ROM reader you have there!Careful with those http://t.co/zPY6DKC7
@askingdave I got an Android! ;-)
Fruit, like Apple or Mango, was never meant for communication #iPhone #WindowsPhone #WP7
@JeriLRyan Upgrade to Android, and all problems (past, present & future) are solved! ;-)
Did you really read that fast…? Busted! http://t.co/y9UvySOX
Werner UNIX is basically a simple operating system, but you have to be a genius to understand the simplicity - Dennis Ritchie, who was a genius,RIP
Wonders why there’s no rant yet from @JeriLRyan about upgrading to iOS 5…? ;-)