Evert Meulie (@meulie)

Sarpsborg, Norway

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @meulie, between Mar 7th, 2007 & June 12th, 2023 (this is when Elon Musk turned off the API this archive depended on ヽ༼ ಠ益ಠ ༽ノ ).

November 1st, 2011

Yven -> Klavestadhaugen http://t.co/oe6mRYZm #Sarpsborg

via web

@clarafv You’re welcome! :-) And as soon as you trade in your Mac for an Android, check out the Marvin app: http://t.co/y1LSCJq1

via Silver Bird in reply to clarafv

@clarafv Send your students to http://t.co/MWcjEvSd as well. THE place to go for Sinclair Spectrum!

via web in reply to clarafv

Not even you! / RT @CaliLewis: Which friends would you trust with your Facebook password?

via Silver Bird

Good choice! / “@textfiles New phone is a galaxy 2 s epic touch, samsung. Sprint phone.”

via Plume  

@Ramonahz so you like hairy faces? :-P

via web

Make it a Monkey Tail beard! / RT @kristianlunde: @Ramonahz suggested I should join #movember, which is a brilliant idea :)

via Silver Bird

JeriLRyan Ok, u know I love creepiness & gore, but this cake is just WRONG. http://t.co/ITUP8CIc /via @lizzwinstead @Fake_Rockstar

via Osfoora HD (retweeted on 9:55 PM, Nov 1st, 2011 via <a href="https://chrome.google.com/extensions/detail/encaiiljifbdbjlphpgpiimidegddhic" rel="nofollow">Silver Bird</a>)

@CanalDigital Ah, my mistake… That looks like a mighty good deal! Expect me to be one of your newest customers soon! :-)

via web in reply to CanalDigital

Google’s Maps Street View service pilots indoor photos http://t.co/BVmqT8Kb

via web

@Komplettno What’s the diff. between http://t.co/SmZTT2kT & http://t.co/NVP6YjcT. Discount for @canaldigital is 0?

via web

RT @donateadaynet: a day’s salary has been donated to: Mercy Ships http://t.co/BcBj8vY2 @MercyShips #MercyShips #donateaday

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Ladies, please… No shave November (better known as #Movember) is meant for guys only!!

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@MercyShips http://t.co/7LyRuwVi states you are in Sierra Leone, but here in Twitter it says Benin. Which is correct?

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@DavidGArnold Are you on Google+ ?

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Math problem: John has 32 candy bars. He eats 28. What does John have now? (via @DavidGArnold ) http://t.co/uXMVZ0UX

via web

Isn’t it Na’vi? ;-) / RT @JeriLRyan: …Glinda, the lion, the scarecrow… and the Navi.What…? ;-)

via Silver Bird

@spoonapps Any chance of upgrading http://t.co/z5Q0XaIJ to a more recent version? 7.0.1 is stable as we speak… ;-)

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