@geeksaresexy @Weegie_KMÂ Even worse sex-ed: ‘When in doubt, try another hole’ http://t.co/ISZTOcDf
geeksaresexy How NOT to Educate Geeks about Sex http://t.co/kWYpja7l
ChicEngine @adnagampaper @donateadaynet Chic Engine has been donating its profits to breast cancer research for the past 30 days :-)
US begins Agent Orange clean-up - http://t.co/OcWdswgZ
@Dutchcowboy Vuvuzela
Integrity is doing the right thing, even when nobody is watching
May anti-gay people burn to a crisp! This guy is well on the way! http://t.co/b8auRnkR
X-ray reveals drunk Norwegian tourist sleeping on baggage belt at Rome airport http://t.co/NPiyzoVJ
6 Ways to Customize Android iOS Users Can Only Dream About http://t.co/7p1aeKEZ
Eon Extreme by Iain Sinclair http://t.co/faKlSjmq
I just joined @At_The_Pool! Join me and get early access at: http://t.co/56RRcgnp
Who Was The First Recipient Of Texting Slang “OMG!� http://t.co/UFXF0OyY
RT @thorsheim: en 4-sifret PIN pÃ¥ en iPhone 4 eller eldre (ikke S modellen) kan knekkes pÃ¥ <= 40 minutter, med riktig verktøy og kunn …
I gave @donateadaynet +K about Philanthropy on @klout http://t.co/Qzmk9QLq
I gave @alvestrand +K about ICANN because… I can! http://t.co/HlxQla2R #ICANN
It’s Official: Blizzard Hacked, Account Information Stolen - Forbes http://t.co/JbzoKlL9
lLoveCoffee Donate a day of your salary to a good cause, and make a difference. Check out http://t.co/E7ahkjrA and be inspired @donateadaynet
pureEtsy Donate a day of your salary to a good cause, and make a difference. Check out http://t.co/wbabw5Em and be inspired @donateadaynet