A, ‘Stripes’… that was from before ‘Don’t ask, don’t tell’… http://t.co/Zuju6d01
a classic! http://t.co/dXcZCZVt #GetGlueHD #Stripes
RT @ahoogerhuis: Please, don’t tell @thorsheim that Office365 will refuse a password with åøæÅØÆ in it! :D Error says: “Don’t use space, …
@thorsheim Ah, you _are_ from Bergen… My apologies! ;-)
@thorsheim But Bergen _is_ the town where it rains so much, right? Why wouldn’t people go elsewhere instead? #touristinformation
Ripped off by a chicken http://t.co/hhfDHkHc
@thorsheim which leaves us with: ‘Why, oh Why???’
mashable 11 Fascinating Facts About Google Maps http://t.co/ESYiUBUC
@mindofman Make an Android client! :-)
@INSPIRIAsc Well… Earth could exist without the moon, but it wouldn’t be the earth as we know it…
@INSPIRIAsc And its partner: http://t.co/w7JdF8Jq
@INSPIRIAsc Perhaps a nice addition for Logia? http://t.co/Lj3Fu2ZT
Naked photos of partying Prince Harry surface in Las Vegas http://t.co/peS24Fq1
Listening to Complainers Is Bad for Your Brain http://t.co/29RXxIIf
@sarpemor Hmm… #solbyen hasn’t been all that sunny lately… Today is ok though, as far as I can tell from my window @ @INSPIRIAsc
Cracking passwords from the Philips hack - an important lesson [INFOGRAPHIC] http://t.co/agnVGuyN
@sarpemor Can they park one on the top of your house? In your backyard? Anywhere visible from your house? ;-)
@carolinejahr Yup, aim high(er)! Go for… http://t.co/9pT0wh7U and/or http://t.co/Snktoc3d ;-)
@carolinejahr I hope not. 95% of the cases reaching the front of DB/VG with photo is a bad thing…
@carolinejahr Instead of ‘with a towel’ go for ‘wearing a towel’ and I’m sure you’ll make the front on VG & DB.
@carolinejahr Have _you_ ever showered there? Not me… The McDonalds here in town don’t even have showers…
@dhewlett Ah, yes… That’s a yearly ritual here as well, with our cat http://t.co/zvL5zl5h
Tell your boss anything http://t.co/Q3ejQQwv