RT @JeriLRyan: If you’re a 7of9 fan, you should follow the man who wrote pretty much every word I ever uttered as that character, my pal …
@vkrosvik (not gonna give my exact address here. way too many weird people on the Internet… ;-) )
@rajskub @Ciaranmehigan Screw Bauer! Without Cloe it just wouldn’t be 24!
VitaminDCouncil Cancer doctors begin prescribing #vitaminD as part of #cancer therapy http://t.co/BZ1SFdDv
@vkrosvik nice to ‘meet’ you :)
@vkrosvik 1743 as well :)
Just an emigrated Dutchman who sprouts lots of nonsense on Twitter ;-)
@vkrosvik Do you live/work in the 1743 area? You look familiar…
mashable Apple Rolls Out iOS 6.1 With Enhanced LTE Support http://t.co/O8osIt0i
engadget Facebook updates iOS app with voice messages, video recordings - http://t.co/ByldXbFd
A look inside a microchip http://t.co/sB60pHCd
@vkrosvik I like you!!! ;-) ;-)
RT @JulieMarieDahl: Ting du aldri skal si/spørre til en jente http://t.co/Jbf1CyHO
EvilMashable If Twitter was around during World War II, would you have followed Hitler?
Goodereader Springer Book Archives Opens with 37,000 Books http://t.co/pjARt6ht
@Inehalvorsrod 100% :-)
@vkrosvik You seem a little… smitten with Mr. Carter, aren’t you? ;-)
@Bierkoning Is de #Bierkoning hofleverancier voor Koning Bier… uhh… Koning Willem-Alexander der Nederlanden?
How to Troubleshoot Google Chrome Crashes http://t.co/SSEeTVRE
Fig | Your personal wellness guide for body and soul http://t.co/dxV81g5c
@Dutchcowboy ze gaat met pensioen op 30 april
@MinPres Onvergetelijk feesten, op sobere wijze. Hoe doet men dat? #30april #abdicatie
How to Add Desktop Shortcuts for Removable Drives Automatically http://t.co/8CXcYbcw
@skyradio101fm Zenden jullie de toespraak van Beatrix live uit?
Koningin Beatrix gaat met pensioen #abdicatie
Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands will announce her retirement later today #abdication
What Was the First Networked Computer Game? http://t.co/hShmfr90
How to Connect to a VPN on Android http://t.co/FUcc1buS
Lord of the Rings Visualized: A Timeline of the One Ring http://t.co/If01GmPk