Watching ‘the full Monty’. A timeless classic!
@JosK Ben ik het dus 100% mee eens! Niets mis met een ‘big brother’, zo lang ik het zelf maar ben! ;-)
@JosK Zelfs de Galaxy S(1) is beter dan de iPhone 4. Maar als je al een iPad hebt, dan is misschien de iPhone toch beter voor je…
@meulie It was just pointed out to me that the Norwegian translation of this Tweet is Quote of the Day on thanks, @e24no :-)
@tightspreads thanks! :-)
@JeriLRyan Never needed a sweaty-pit-look, or always been able to provide your own? :-P
@CaliLewis Here’s all the bacon you can want: http://www.perpetualkid…. #bacon
mashable New Samsung Galaxy Tablet Specs Leaked [REPORT] -
@JeriLRyan What are we looking at? Can’t make it quite out….
@janaagenor Eehh… Enjoy Egyptian beer in celebration? ;-)
engadget Nokia workers mourn death of Symbian, thousands walk out
@marcusferbrache I need basics like multitasking and copy/paste, so you’re right: never tried #wp7
BBCBreaking Cheers break out in Cairo’s Tahrir Square as the announcement is read on television that President Hosni #Mubarak has decided to step down

ChristianKane01 And how is this not still Sexy?!?!? RT @JeriLRyan: My action face ;-)
@Chanduvkm @shameerc Nah, a floppy drive:…
@NicolasSierro Big difference is that Microsoft-Ericsson did not happen, and Nokia-Microsoft is reality, unfortunately… (nice pic!)
Vil ta betalt for VG pÃ¥ iPad i mars… #VG #iPad
Bacon Toothpaste -… #bacon
@LibraryThing Has @LThing been abandoned, in favor of this account?
@JohnCleese Which small animal do you resemble? ;-)
@sirleamont I think I’ll stick with Samsung Galaxy S running #Android custom ROM by @darkyy92 instead. (before I had N900 & N95.Nokia=good)
@ThisIsRussMoss If you limit to what comes from Microsoft then yes, it is good. If you also look at Android and even iOS, WP7 isn’t all that
@sirleamont Nope, staying clear of things like WP7, bungee jumping and other activities that can be potentially bad for my health
Why You Should Hire Blind People - Norwegian PSA… #blind #job #funny
AnonymousLeaks “The cyber world has grown out of control.” | You are wrong. You only just realized you have no control. Welcome to the Internet
All new #Nokia phones will have keyboards so that CTRL-ALT-Delete can be pressed when WP7 has frozen up yet again… #Nokia #CTRLALTDEL #WP7
RT @jaycoo: “@tomiahonen: Nokia sold its future, is now destined to become box-mover like Dell in PCs. The winner is obviously Samsung†…
segphault Nokia chose Microsoft. I guess when your company is circling the toilet bowl, stepping onto a log of shit is the only way to stay afloat.
BBCBreaking Troubled mobile phone company, Nokia has announced ‘broad strategic partnership’ with Microsoft according to AFP