@h_combs Which of the characters you’ve played is closest to the real HMC?
I’m watching Alcatraz (74 others checked-in) http://t.co/BapMzxq4 @GetGlue @AlcatrazonFOX
BBCBreaking Dutch Prince Johan Friso, who was injured in avalanche last week, may never regain consciousness - doctors Details soon http://t.co/uxW0tM9o
@KHtweets Hmm, de vorige was eigenlijk mooier. Deze is een beetje… stijf?
@KHtweets Just heard the bad news about the (probable) condition of Prince Friso. Not good… :-(
@jeffpulver And to you, my friend! :-)
@tweetfanNR1 De kans lijkt klein te zijn, helaas…
Slecht nieuws… ‘Ernstig hersenletsel Friso’ http://t.co/vSpX5hM2