BoneMarrowFound @meulie Our financial aid support is restricted to patients treated in US but the education resources on our website are available to anyone
@BoneMarrowFound Is your support limited to the USA, or are you active world-wide?
@bibianharmsen gisteren gegeten! Was lekker! :-)
Dear Optimist/Pessimist/Realist. While you guys were arguing about how full the glass was, I drank it. - The Opportunist
RT @gaslightsofie: Har et inntrykk av at menn med skjegg er blant de morsomste her på Twitter.
Learn about Microsoft Windows, with @MatthewPerry & Jennifer Aniston
Seeing many hits in my server logs from, but no Googlebot UA. Google crawler, or something else? @google
Are mobile devices destroying your body? [Infographic]
USB stick can sequence DNA in seconds #xydobrief