@hbeardave Currently limited by me to 15 Mbit/s to leave bandwidth to other apps. They’re taking that in at 15 Mbit/s :-)
@crashplan 8TB would cost me… $1200/month at Jungle Disk. Well, that’s a no-brainer! :-)
Stortinget sa ja til datalagring #DLD #dagbladet http://t.co/ciIOj2b
@crashplan Is Crashplan+ Unlimited ($3/month) really all I need to back up the 8TB files I have on my desktop? :-)
Jam in my printer. No improvement // RT @DavidGArnold: There is pretty much nothing that wouldnt be improved if you add jam to it
LordStewie Dear DYSLEXICS Your bad spelling turns me on ;) Sincerely, Spell Check
@DavidGArnold You sober enough to suggest some regional/local good causes to @donateadaynet ? ;-)
According to deductive reasoning my weekend head aches are caused by… the Grand de Luxe at @Max_Hamburgare ? http://evert.meulie.net/…