@hbeardave Not sure, I think it’s done before sending. With flat rate we don’t care how much space we take up on their servers, right? ;)
@ChefEme That is hot ;-)
Dear Pringles Consumer, Our Cans are designed that way for a reason…
If your hand doesn’t fit, then it’s time to stop.
@CaliLewis As they say here: ‘there is no such thing as bad weather. Only bad clothing’
@hbeardave @Crashplan PS: Keep in mind that thanks to deduplication you’re uploading a lot less than the total sum of your file sizes.
@EmilieMeli Stop behaving like a 1̶5̶ ̶y̶e̶a̶r̶ ̶o̶l̶d̶ 12-year old! :-P
@EmilieMeli Yikes! Don’t put that hashtag in the same tweet as my twitter name! ;-)
@EmilieMeli getting repetitive? :-P
Check your site performance with help of Google: Page Speed Online http://pagespeed.googlel…
RT if you think Justin Bieber should emigrate to Svalbard, and stay there ;-)
@EmilieMeli It’s 2 kms from office to home, so that should be enough to get me soaked…
@EmilieMeli Been out playing in the rain yet? I’m not looking forward to walking home through it, in about 50 minutes…
JeriLRyan LOVE these! 14 Very Funny Warning Signs: http://t.co/ZTxJG0x /via @Flipbooks
@EmilieMeli Brilliant observation! :-P
Android is a mess, say developers - http://s.meulie.net/eTKe… (by @philiped )
A comparison between Jungle Disk, MozyHome & CrashPlan. 1 clear winner! http://evert.meulie.net/…
RT @NRKbeta: Bokskya er verre enn ingenting: Norske bokhandleres #bokskya er umulig å bruke. Hva er tanken bak? http://bit.ly/hkYDlO
mashable Google Maps for Android Gets Home Checkins and Location History Dashboard - http://on.mash.to/gz4CPr
mashable Swedish Online Store Features Live, Interactive Salespeople [VIDEO] - http://on.mash.to/ihRoPd
DavidGArnold Well it’s a 1 for the money,2 for the show,3 to get ready and 4 for customer services
@crashplan If one goes for the Family package, do all computers need to be on the same (public) IP address?
Another sunny morning in Norway… http://twitpic.com/4h4rdi #Norge #Sarpsborg
LordStewie !f yUh t!p3 lyk3 dihs ,
ME .
ralphtuijn Will leave tomorrow to Tanzania to climb 5895 m Kilimanjaro. Highest in Africa and highest on itself standing mountain in the world
@crashplan Thanks :-)
Just curious: Where are the servers located to which my pc connects? In Europe, or is it all across the atlantic?