Right now? Reading Tweets on Twitter! // RT @SonyReaderStore What are you reading today?
Hertog Jan Grand Prestige beer - puts hair on your chest, teeth, toes and other places!
adamsconsulting Top 12 Most Bizarre Things Ever Listed On Ebay - http://bit.ly/5ufLf8
Queen’s Day: Go Dutch for an alternative royal celebration http://s.meulie.net/exQv… #koninginnedag
Departed the land of the tall #Dutch yesterday. Now among the short #Norwegians again…
thinkgeek Happy DNA Day! Today in 1953, Watson & Crick published its double helix structure. Celebrate by encoding tweets in A C G & T.
@rockitwithjbird Have a beer and relax! :-)
RealNichelle Eat them. Why? What do you do with your leftovers? RT @legacysallure I made a duck today, too. What do you do with your leftovers?
@skazita all sleeping