Enjoyed a pleasant dinner at @dollypizza in Sarpsborg. Friendly personnel and good food! :-)
Just consumed a yummy garlic-pepperoni-pineapple pizza at Dolly Dimple’s Sarpsborg
@CaliLewis Trying to sound 100x as blond as you actually are? ;-)
jimmy_wales Interesting: What happens when an entire country legalizes drug use? http://ow.ly/3J6Iv
Check out IKEA-hackers - a site about modifications on and repurposing of Ikea products - http://s.meulie.net/gFxz…
@jasperverweij @voertuiginfo Bedankt! Even verdachte bestelbus nagekeken die in de straat staat. Model/merk kloppen, dus zal wel ok zijn…
@bkooijman De meest recente nieuws-entry die genoemd wordt op http://www.cloud.nl/ (‘Shared desktop cloud’) geeft een 404…