@undergroundzUSP @ardrone Let’s hope it gets even better than the Apple app! :-)
@Ramonahz me neither :-)
Google confirms 300,000 Android device activations a day http://s.meulie.net/fWgb… #Google #Android
@ACC_ I’m here :-)
RT @mashable: New Twitter Worm Exploits Google’s URL Shortener to Spread Malware [WARNING] - http://on.mash.to/fDTSUq
@Ramonahz Time flies when you’re having fun 8-)
Long overdue new version of the Wayback Machine being tested, and looking spiffy! http://waybackmachine.or… #Wayback
Maak het studentenprotest 2x zo groot! Loop mee op http://www.pixelprotest…. en laat je stem horen op het Malieveld tegen de #kenniscrisis
@ardrone Ah… I thought 2.2 finally was supposed to have ad hoc support… Bummer!
@ardrone I want to be able to control an AR.Drone with my Android 2.2 phone… Please, please, please! :-)
RT @bouska: Today is International Day of Acceptance in support of those w/ disabilities. // Why only 1 day a year? I do that 24/7/365…
Last night I installed #Wordfeud on my phone. A brilliant ‘crossword style multiplayer word game’ for Android http://s.meulie.net/ihRP…