Evert Meulie (@meulie)

Sarpsborg, Norway

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @meulie, between Mar 7th, 2007 & June 12th, 2023 (this is when Elon Musk turned off the API this archive depended on ヽ༼ ಠ益ಠ ༽ノ ).

January 3rd, 2011

RT @Alyssa_Milano: The top 10 arcade games of all time âž› http://su.pr/30FzcD /via @Techland @TIME

via Plume  

@MythBusters Please RT: My new years resolution: Donate a day’s worth of salary to a good cause - http://donateaday.net/ @donateadaynet.

via web

@donttrythis Please RT: My new years resolution: Donate a day’s worth of salary to a good cause - http://donateaday.net/ @donateadaynet

via web

@CloudFlare Appears to have been a temp. issue. Sites are back to normal speed now. Perhaps related to your ASH-issues?

via web

@CloudFlare My sites ( *.meulie.net ) are almost inaccessible currently. Very, very slow… :-(

via web

@SethMacFarlane In Norwegian ‘gift’ means either ‘poison’ (noun) or ‘married’ (adjective). Marriage=poison?

via Chromed Bird in reply to SethMacFarlane

iPhone Alarms Still Silent On January 3 http://t.co/wiqJ3Ad via @pcmag

via Tweet Button

donttrythis The placebo effect is one of the most fascinating areas of science right now. And the saddest area of commerce. #oneborneveryminute

via web (retweeted on 8:27 AM, Jan 3rd, 2011 via <a href="https://chrome.google.com/extensions/detail/encaiiljifbdbjlphpgpiimidegddhic" rel="nofollow">Chromed Bird</a>)

@ACC_ If your budget doesn’t allow you to follow my example, try to get as many RT’s as you can. :-) #donateaday

via Plume   in reply to ACC_

@ACC_ You’re very welcome to follow my example! :-) #donateaday

via Chromed Bird in reply to ACC_