Two Suns? Twin Stars Could Be Visible From Earth By 2012 via @huffingtonpost
I can’t imagine anyone still running stock Samsung on their Galaxy S when they can run the magnificent cookings by @darkyy92
@gvanlee Ik vond ‘m wel aardig. Misschien dat de wodka hielp…?
Alyssa_Milano 5 Wacky Internet Pranks That Can Get You Jail Time—> /via @cracked
kmobs Oops: No copied Java code or weapons of mass destruction found in Android
I still love the part where Benny of @axisofawesome goes hypersonic while doing ‘Take on me’ in… #a-ha
@SonyReaderStore When I attempt to download the Android Reader app I get ‘The requested item could not be found’. I am located in Norway.