Evert Meulie (@meulie)

Sarpsborg, Norway

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @meulie, between Mar 7th, 2007 & June 12th, 2023 (this is when Elon Musk turned off the API this archive depended on ヽ༼ ಠ益ಠ ༽ノ ).

August 5th, 2011

Watching WarGames (1983). Now there’s a Matthew Broderick movie I _never_ get tired of!

via Plume  

And that’s all? / RT @CaliLewis: Playing with a Windows Phone 7 phone at the moment. Gotta say… still really like the UI.

via Silver Bird

SkyNewsBreak 17-year-old British boy killed by polar bear in Norway named as Horatio Chapple

via SkyNews Alerts - Breaking (retweeted on 6:59 PM, Aug 5th, 2011 via <a href="https://chrome.google.com/extensions/detail/encaiiljifbdbjlphpgpiimidegddhic" rel="nofollow">Silver Bird</a>)

E4rat Seriously Cuts Down on Linux Boot Time With a Few Simple Commands [Downloads] http://t.co/vYlfaD6

via web

Removing tattoo with a grinder - http://t.co/sqtdKJP

via web

(A personal favorite)

In Twitter, no one can hear you scream.

(unless you have a lot of followers or it gets retweeted…)

via Plume  

@RealNichelle I always do it on a cool day, and the freezer on an even cooler/colder day. Park the food outside during the process :-)

via Plume   in reply to RealNichelle