@EmilieMeli I’m not stalking anyone. I follow people who I think have interesting things to say. But don’t worry. You’re off that list now.
@EmilieMeli let’s both respect each other :-)
SkyNewsBreak U.S. TV: A child has died after Hurricane Irene caused a tree to fall onto a two-storey apartment building in Virginia
@EmilieMeli sorry, but by now there are plenty of newer things to care about #lifegoeson
@EmilieMeli what do YOU mean? ;-)
@EmilieMeli you suggest that adding a flag to my profile pic supports Norway. How does it do that?
How about an Android app, @thinkupapp ?
@EmilieMeli How does that support Norway/Norwegians?
@MichaelDell Not accessible outside the USA?
@Dutchcowboy Sla ‘digesting it’ en ‘excreting it’ maar over… ;-)
Superland: http://t.co/yC7Lmhh
Hmm, a day at Superland was a bit too much for this old geezer. 08:30pm here, and I’m in bed… #headache
Hurricane Irene Now Has a Twitter Account - http://t.co/UGtKMPT
stephenstohn *Mr. Burns voice* Excellent, excellent..
@SteinarJOlsen Perhaps I’m just a little weird when it comes to clothing and temperatures… ;-)
@MdaBig is maar een indicatie. Hebt er inderdaad niet veel aan.
@MdaBig Groot genoeg voor 2 McDonalds ! ;-)
@MdaBig Tja… Sarpsborg heeft zo’n 50000 inwoners, maar ik denk dat Oslo toch meer als ‘grote stad’ gezien wordt.
@MdaBig Zoals met het in het Engels zegt: ‘Size doesn’t matter, it’s what you do with it’. En #Goes is best gezellig! :-)
@MdaBig oh, ja… Goes kreeg inderdaad stadsrechten in 1405, dus het is een stad ;-)
RT @ironiet: The #Oslo REMEMBER Daily is out! http://t.co/gtE8P32 â–¸ Top stories today via @althusiast @meulie @ibconsultancy @streetspectre
@SteinarJOlsen Still T-shirt & shorts weather for some…
@MdaBig En welk gehucht noemt men ‘de stad’ in jouw deel van het land?
Rain, rain and… more rain! Let’s go to INSPIRIA science center! #Sarpsborg #science #fun http://t.co/ZU5y1Fh
The yokels at PST should have checked the info from Global Shield and stopped #Breivik http://t.co/dcYBVaI
@Alyssa_Milano How did you get so immensely popular on Twitter? #littlejealous
mashable Facebook Kills Off Deals, Its Groupon Competitor - http://t.co/aIu905W