I know there’s 90 minutes left, but I’m turning in… #birthday
mashable Google Officially Launches Google Drive - http://t.co/LucoxjDi
thinkgeek Today in Geek History: Shuttle Discovery deployed the Hubble space telescope in 1990. Smile pretty, universe!
Got a @zinio gift card from my sister-in-law for my birthday! Thanks, sis-in-law! :-)
BBCBreaking South Sudan’s president says #Sudan has “declared war” on his country, as violence intensifies. Details soon http://t.co/TIp3wTWK
@MrWestern with one of these? http://t.co/kTwauRFQ
For today’s IT professional, the iPad is an addition, not a replacement http://t.co/zIHSu9ug
A personalized doodle! Nice from Google! http://t.co/m22D6YLP
40… crap… #lifebeginsat40 #hogwash #humbug #birthday