@textfiles well, let me/us know when it turns into anything serious, OK? ;-)
mashable What Android Ice Cream Sandwich Does That iOS Doesn’t - http://t.co/Mesl5Kee via @tecca
RT @mashable: Apple’s Long-Lost Sequel to ’1984′ Surfaces [VIDEO] - http://t.co/qxHz8pwK
@textfiles Any specific files? What are the chances they start knocking on mirror doors as well?
EA to render iPhone Rock Band app unplayable http://t.co/oX4SzUTh
Screen Resolution & Internet Browser Trends http://t.co/z3KEpm67 via
the perfect T-shirt for a #narc http://t.co/473niApy #drugs
Three things you should never put in your database http://t.co/27TIAqVU
IKEA probes forced labour claims http://t.co/d7tD3XDN