Evert Meulie (@meulie)

Sarpsborg, Norway

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @meulie, between Mar 7th, 2007 & June 12th, 2023 (this is when Elon Musk turned off the API this archive depended on ヽ༼ ಠ益ಠ ༽ノ ).

May 25th, 2012

@KHtweets The Norwegian crown princes, Mette-Marit, has her own Twitter-account: @CrownPrincessMM . Perhaps an idea for Máxima?

via Plume for Android

@KHtweets De Noorse Kroonprinses, Mette-Marit, heeft een persoonlijke Twitter-account: @CrownPrincessMM . Ook iets voor Máxima?

via Plume for Android

Samsung Galaxy S3 pounds HTC One X into benchmark dust http://t.co/oYgnGRz7

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@theforeignerNo Apparently the Good Book is getting many things done http://t.co/aL5AkH2d :)

via web in reply to theforeignerNo

@theforeignerNo Well, at least change ‘Pentacost’ into ‘Pentecost’… ;-)

via Silver Bird in reply to theforeignerNo

@theforeignerNo The strike won’t deteriorate (get weaker), but it will get stronger/bigger…

via web in reply to theforeignerNo

Here comes Yahoo’s own Web browser — Axis http://t.co/vHh30jXw

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5 Cool Things You Can Do With an SSH Server http://t.co/KpSe0vwV

via web

wereldomroep ’007’ drinkt Heineken: Het gonst al een tijdje op webfora en in filmtijdschriften, en nu mengt zelfs ex-James Bo… http://t.co/cnVJbMSG

via twitterfeed (retweeted on 12:58 PM, May 25th, 2012 via <a href="https://chrome.google.com/extensions/detail/encaiiljifbdbjlphpgpiimidegddhic" rel="nofollow">Silver Bird</a>)