@Weegie_KM Jog? Me?? LOL!!!
@LisaSabinWilson you’ll get a new load, granny! ;-)
@CaliLewis my son’s 4th birthday! :-)
@LisaSabinWilson You a granny next month, and I just changed another diaper…
@LisaSabinWilson Let’s both remain teenagers in ours/each others minds forever!
@LisaSabinWilson Please, don’t!!!
(oh, and congrats!)
@sieverts sorry, kon het niet laten… ;-)
@sieverts Jij trouwt de broer?
@SheilaEdrummer Funk us to the Max, Miss E!
MythBusters A preview of this week’s ‘popping’ new #MythBusters http://t.co/80N8ETZp
@Weegie_KM and it’s probably the main reason my BMI has increased ;-)
@Weegie_KM Thanks :-)
Not good either, but floating somewhere inbetween.
@Weegie_KM This particular one works at http://t.co/0Dt4Z32C and runs @donateadaynet once a month.
@DavidGArnold Good story as well? Or just a visual gem?
mashable Teen Accused of Homicide for Texting While Driving on Day of Fatal Crash http://t.co/Exn9i93A
@Dutchcowboy high in fiber, those chopsticks! ;-)
@brenno any QR codes? http://t.co/a9c6Mh7R
mashable Google has applied for domain names that have “interesting & creative potential” http://t.co/kokncrlb
@RearthUSA Send me one, preferably with a S III inside! ;-)
@erlendwiborg ah, a BBQ! ;-)
@Weegie_KM Yup, a bunch of male sex-deprived teenagers can be quite entertaining!
@Weegie_KM Here’s a whole discussion about the pic, with some interesting word plays http://t.co/A9UFwGPA
Respektløse Bieber-fans - Aftenposten: http://t.co/UyDcynam
@Weegie_KM Better not share the next one in that series, ‘Gamer Sex’, with ppl on Twitter ;-)
Weegie_KM wow.. den va ny…RT @geeksaresexy: Gamer Love [Pic] http://t.co/OQkIxExU
xdadevelopers Android: Oracle vs Google: Final Decisions http://t.co/zM3Y8pY5
Google World Wonders Project http://t.co/gNL4zpOZ
elusive_moose Not sure this is legal, but wow!!! :-) RT @TwistedSifter Picture of the Day: Cliff #Camping in #Norway http://t.co/zse6b2ln #Preikestolen
@BoswachterNHD Lijkt wel een telefooncel ;-)
engadget New smaller SIM format gets standardized, shrinks 40 percent http://t.co/LmYADHG7
JosK Erg leuke site, de ekpad: http://t.co/BRW1XeYa
WorldIPv6Launch It’s June! World IPv6 Launch is 6 June. It’s almost here! Are you ready? #v6launch
How to Traumatize Your Children [book] http://t.co/UCKQiyJ5
RT @donateadaynet: a day’s salary has been donated to: Fundación Allen Graham Charity 4 Kidz http://t.co/fFb7Depd #donateaday
Another day, another… [what should go here?]
sambowne http://t.co/YpLLH34c hacked, passwords dumped; unsalted MD5s http://t.co/Yj72oMB3 @L0rdCan0n