RT @Villuus: Dumt at jeg ikke fÃ¥r med meg Nederland-Tyskland pÃ¥ grunn av fotballtrening.. HÃ¥per pÃ¥ det beste!! #netherlands #nederland # …
OK, time to kick some German hiney! http://t.co/7snkm4LP @GetGlue #UEFAEuro2012
On the Internet you can be anything you want.
It’s strange that so many people choose to be stupid.
The Pocket TV: Makes any TV a Smart TV by Infinitec — Kickstarter http://t.co/R45UsCyt via @kickstarter
Justin Bieber Maxthon smartphone browser is a sign of the apocalypse http://t.co/Sv407Erg
Linaro Android Nearly Doubles ICS Performance, And Now Parts Of It Are Being Added to CM9 http://t.co/Ln62i1W8
Linaro makes Android up to 100% faster in some benchmarks http://t.co/GDqksNQZ