Got a couple of spare 2TB hard drives. Any good cause/charity in Østfold who has use for them? Please RT #norge
mashable The Beginner’s Guide to Twitter
@ezunix Stating the obvious… ;-)
solarimpulse #solarimpulse is passing the Gibraltar now! Go go @bertrandpiccard
@JustAGlassChild Deal! :-)
“There I Fixed It: Problem, Officer?”
We beat them in 1920, and we’ll beat them again on the 9th! #EC2012 #EK
Signs that you’re a good programmer
@PaulyMcGillion You developed your Scottish accent at a later age? ;-)
@MrWestern If I can do it, so can you! Keep it up! :)
MrWestern Ni dager uten nikotin. Hvem sin ide var dette egentlig? Hvis jeg overlever dette blir jeg garantert sterkere.
Want a new tub in your man cave? Don’t want to pay for it? Live in Norway? Check out
@hegnil JP was PG-13, so quite suitable for 13 year olds. So is Forrest Gump, I think?
@hegnil My apologies! ;-)
(For some unknown reason I estimated you slightly below my age.)
so it was instead? ;)
@hegnil Lemme guess… When you were 13 the hot topic was whether or not you got to see in the cinema? ;-)
Disadvantage of electric car: My cat has 0 respect for my LEAF, and doesn’t get out of the way for it @NissanLEAF