Jacob is celebrating his 4th birthday at @LeosLekeland Fredrikstad. Very nice place. Well-organized. Recommended!
@opendna Credit where credit is due: It’s merely a mirror of http://t.co/MYkbJgYf :-)
“Engrish Funny: Oh Norway, You So Multicultural!” http://t.co/ZqAC2c0J
@google When will you slap IPv6 IP’s on these mail servers? http://t.co/uIVXCR6R
@googleapps When will Google slap some IPv6 addresses on the MX hosts? http://t.co/uIVXCR6R
NÃ¥ har vekterne streiket like lenge som de har tatt utdanning. (via @ezunix)
BoswachterNHD Het windmolenpark in zee doet goed werk, alle buien worden tot nu toe landinwaarts geblazen :-)
Hacked site of the day: last.fm http://t.co/ME3unZUg Change your password now!
@4sqSupport Missing category under ‘Shop & Service’ -> ‘Food & Drink Shop’. No ‘Bakery’ listed…
LinkedIn Confirms, Apologizes for Stolen Password Breach http://t.co/L2EdjdiP RT @mashable
Facebook app store launches http://t.co/uTinBd3l
#SinceWeBeingHonest Not a big fan of the music of @justinbieber , but I do applaud what he has accomplished so far in his life!
@MrWestern Set your screen resolution to 640x480. Problem solved!
@stigh66 Will you be representing Omnicom Norge there? ;-) http://t.co/FYSgo6HU
Expensive HDMI cables make no difference - the absolute proof http://t.co/DUbNbsYT