Time for some zzz… Later y’all! ;-)
@JosK @boekgirl LOTR= Lord of the rings. Film gebaseerd op een boek van Tolkien. Wordt vast tzt ook wel in nederland uitgebracht… :-P
@JosK Hier kijken we naar LOTR ;-)
mathowie You can literally get away with murder in the US if you wait until your victim gets on a bike, then you hit them: http://is.gd/gKNKn
jessicabenner Just got called a skank while standing not five feet from and actual crack whore. Maybe time to rethink my wardrobe choices.
@JillianLaDage It sure was! I’m glad I have such a good cook here! :-)
Time to enjoy a good Beef Wellington! :-)
thinkgeek Happy Friday & “F**k You” ………….as sung by the inimitable @williamshatner last night, video: http://j.mp/cwU2xi
Tired of #Twitter? Check out #Twatter http://twatter.com/ ;-)
@birgerweb typographic Zoo: http://bemboszoo.com/
MrWestern Just upgraded samsung galaxy s to #Froyo. Update is now available in norway. Hurry before they take it back :-)
me thinks Sheila E. can produce a much better #DrumButton than the one on http://www.drumbutton.co… ! ;-)