RealNichelle Wow! RT @NASA A cool GigaPan image of the space shuttle Discovery on the launch pad Sunday, Oct. 31…
Just watched ‘Wild Hogs’. Love the part during the end credits with the Extreme Makeover: Home Edition fake @typennington
taking care of his royal Fartiness/Burpiness (aka. Jacob) all by myself this afternoon…
Growing shortage of #Cobol programmers
@avalistweets Da’s pech… Zou ‘m graag uitproberen als ik bij mijn ouders in C’cum op bezoek ga. Kan ik ‘m elders downloaden?
@JeriLRyan shoot on sight! ;-)
@avalistweets Kan de app niet vinden in de app store…
CaliLewis If you’re up and about before the stores at gas stations are open, does that mean you’re up too early?
Growing shortage of #Cobol programmers
extsrcjs - extsrc.js is a cross-platform way to defer loading scripts, even with document.write
@Dutchcowboy Tab is an oversized Galaxy S (minus the AMOLED), right? Still undecided whether I’ll like the Tab, but I do like the Galaxy S!