Spoon — a refreshing take on running apps in your browser http://s.meulie.net/a7Fe…
That was some mighty good #pizza I had tonight! My burps still taste/smell like salami/garlic/pineapple… :-) @dollypizza
Plan to lift #smoking ban in small #pubs in the #Netherlands http://s.meulie.net/cXZo…
@Cyclometh Spooky… I hope it never happens to me…
I hope for you no serious damage is done?
@Cyclometh How did they compromise your account?
JillianLaDage And so the skies they are no longer thinking but doing, flurries flurries flurries of snow from a tin grey sky.
SheilaEdrummer @meulie A Dutchman with some interesting thoughts and opinions! http://evert.meulie.net
RealNichelle I want to thank all of you Trekkers/Trekkies that took the time to vote for the Trek Theme as Wake-Up Call on the shuttle mission. YOU ROCK!
MythBusters Cooking for Geeks: an interview with Adam Savage http://ow.ly/34vru @donttrythis @BoingBoing @cookingforgeeks
Pizza with salami, garlic & pineapple coming up! :-)
@palmarthinsen can’t argue with that! :-)
I think I have them somewhere as well. :-)
@palmarthinsen How can you have those masters if they’re undiscovered? :-P
I’m at Home, Sweet Home http://gowal.la/c/2PKMX
@cnordbakk Short-lived (battery) power, you mean… ;-)
Norwegian HTC Desire HD missing a letter from its keyboard http://s.meulie.net/96U1… #LOL #HTC
@cnordbakk Ah, I missed that… Have you tried Spotify customer support? ;-)
@cnordbakk Works fine for me… Just hold down the only button you got on the front of your Galaxy S… ;-)
Sharp to Launch Two 3D Android Handsets http://s.meulie.net/bY85…