@JeriLRyan You’re welcome!
Although… I do feel sorry for the blue cow that got slaughtered to make that awful jacket… :-P
thinkgeek New from IKEA, the flat-pack @CERN Hadronn Cjolidder: http://j.mp/974KTb Does require infinite protons, though.
mashable You Can Now Log in to MySpace with Facebook - http://on.mash.to/apYy46
supercurio The standard user xperience on Galaxy S stock fresh Eclair compared to Froyo is so smoother it makes me sad seeing how much it regressed.
ALA_TechSource What Google knows about you and how to tweak it http://bit.ly/bRZqrF
@biepbiep Ah… :-)
Die van mij is nog te jong voor HP, denk ik…
@biepbiep Dat weet je nu al?? Oh, wacht… Valentijn is knul, niet 14 Feb.? ;-)
@biepbiep Pizza afhalen, en lekker stiekem tijdens de film naar binnen werken! ;-)
World’s Smallest Political Quiz - http://s.meulie.net/bm3H… - says I am… #Libertarian
From Commoner to Royalty: The Women Who Did It http://s.meulie.net/baLr…
SX_DOT_Tweet Know the Twitter Rules at http://support.twitter.c…
TU Delft: Bomen hebben last van internet - http://s.meulie.net/9ek3…
Apple to Launch iAd in Europe in December http://s.meulie.net/9Dmu…
jimmy_wales This article has 128 references: Toilet paper orientation http://ow.ly/3bJnC
World’s bravest cat - http://s.meulie.net/9zCJ… #cat #alligator
@biepbiep Misschien om iets te twitteren via hun waterdichte iPhone? :-P
Facebook and MySpace to Make Joint Announcement on Thursday http://s.meulie.net/9mL5…