JeriLRyan RT @gallogallo: @JeriLRyan Eureka! Check out Apple’s latest product! I think this will fix all your OS woes…
Munching on a party-size tube of Pringles. Anyone care to join me? ;-)
@twittola Samsung Galaxy S… ;-)
@RealNichelle LOL! :-)
@RealNichelle Why not just use a good old-fashioned food replicator? ;-) #StarTrek
@JillianLaDage Did you by accident put an Apple iPad in the oven? ;-)
JeriLRyan Holy crap!! What a picture… /via @thinkgeek
BBCBreaking Prime Minister David Cameron on Fifa Panorama allegations: says ‘only focus’ is to bring World Cup to Britain
@TwitChange When will us Megapackage auction winners receive the promised screenshots in the email? ;-)
wikileaks DDOS attack now exceeding 10 Gigabits a second.
wikileaks We are currently under another DDOS attack.
@supercurio Good job! :-) Any special procedure to upgrade from pre6?
@bbcfocus Don’t write too much about Android in Focus Magazine, or else Apple will yank your iPad app from their store…
@palmarthinsen We both know that Apple actually are the bad guys, with their censorship and control over their users… #1984
@palmarthinsen nah… The good guys: some Swedes. the bad guys: some other Swedes ;-)
stephenfry According to Channel 4 last night the weather is “sponsored by Lloyds”. We can blame the banks even for the weather.