googlemaps View your search results on Google Web History and more with Google Maps 5.4 for Android -
engadget Microsoft confirms WP7 handsets updated using ‘unofficial mechanisms’ cannot get latest update
RealNichelle The crisis in Japan has a long reach. Just heard from someone who was laid off because the parts they need are delayed coming out of Japan.
Gelukkig de #dodenherdenking ook in Noorwegen kunnen volgen, met dan aan…
I don’t smell my pee, I flush it ;-) // RT @Alyssa_Milano: Why asparagus makes your pee smell all funny

Dacht even dat er ‘schijt van wijf’ stond // RT @gvanlee: zo, de schijf van vijf is weer binnen.
Your eyes are stored in those 2 tiny toilets? // RT @rockitwithjbird: Finally got my eye back!!!
bryanadams Dutch concert poster, 4th June 2011
@sethandshannon1 @ASUS Unfortunately only for USA/Canada…
Time for some cleaning, so whip out your Stupid Child Efficiency-Mop #fail
I thought the #Amish shun all forms of modern technology? #fail
Raampje open en naar buiten mieteren // RT @AndreaSvZ: zooitje ongeregeld in de trein
Destroying stacks of 10+year old backups, all on 3.5” disks #geekfun
sippey Leave it to an ad for Google Chrome to make me feel inadequate as a father.
LoesjeNL **het nut van herdenken … is dat we zelf blijven denken** #4Mei #loesje
engadget Dual-booting ViewSonic ViewPad 10 gets Android 2.2 upgrade, patient owners join 2010
@ACC_ Too extreme for me. Mine is more subtle…
As crazy as they can be! // RT @ACC_ You’re a crazy man…lol…and you have a personal stylist?
Yup, promoting my monkeytail beard… // RT @ACC_ I’ve heard my name! Hey Evert a new pic? @JeriLRyan