Visit my website and you’ll get a couple // RT @JoannaStern I really want a cookie.
Is the Launch Speed in Angry Birds Constant? | Wired Science |
Wikipedia is down! The rapture is here, at last! #wikipedia #rapture
Wikipedia down? Whoops… @jimmy_wales
@heatherAtaylor Thanks! Mind is a likely candidate for one of the coming months!
@heatherAtaylor If you could suggest 1 charity or good cause to @donateadaynet , which would it be?
Girl in Iceland carying away lamb as the ashes come down. Biblical.
@JonasMGA Cut/paste complete:…
@ficeto No problem when it comes to mysql connections. Got a server of my own ;-) Got an indication on how much bandwidth/day the site use?
@JonasMGA Got a little text-blurb that can replace ‘xxyyzzz’ on… ? :-)
@JonasMGA @donateadaynet Always a good idea if you live in a small country like Norway ;-)
Confirmed, and right back at you! // RT @heatherAtaylor: And a good morning to you all?
@JonasMGA @donateadaynet Int. day? Aren’t we both in Norway? ;-)
(No, I am not Norwegian…)